Cincinnati Interventionist
Tips for a Successful Intervention in Cincinnati, Ohio
Interventions are one of the best ways to get a friend or family member into an addiction treatment program when he or she has otherwise refused to seek help. Unfortunately, this emotional event needs to be carefully planned and executed to succeed. These tips can help you in this important undertaking of staging a successful intervention in Cincinnati or the surrounding areas.
Know What an Intervention is
According to the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, interventions are designed to help an addict learn to control their addiction. The definition of an intervention is an action that improves a situation, particularly a medical disorder. In the case of substance abuse, an intervention is a gathering of family, friends, and usually an interventionist to help guide the addict towards treatment.
Know the Addict
You will need to know:
- If the addict is violent or aggressive.
- Who the addict is closest to and whether they use drugs or alcohol.
- When the addict is least likely to be using or under the influence.
- What substance or substances the addict is using.
Each of these things will help you determine what type of intervention is best and when you choose a Cincinnati interventionist he or she will ask these questions to help in the planning of the appropriate intervention program for your loved one.
Types of Intervention
Inventions in Cincinnati, Ohio come in many different types. These generally include:
- Brief Interventions
- Confrontational style intervention
- Conversational style intervention
- Invitation Style
- Systemic Intervention
Each of these types suits a different type of addict. If one model of intervention does not work, another is always available. Professional interventionists generally combine these different intervention types to make the process more likely to succeed.
How to Someone Kick Drug Addiction with An Intervention
Many people have loved or are in love with someone who is addicted to a dangerous substance. Whether it’s heroin addiction, cocaine abuse, alcohol abuse or prescription drug addiction, it can take years for someone to kick a habit even with the help of their loved ones. For those who do have people to stage an intervention, they are lucky. They have a supportive circle who can persuade them to take steps to get help and end addiction. To help someone you love with addiction, staging an intervention correctly takes a bit of planning to bring everyone together as a united front.
Talk to Loved Ones Who Care
Every intervention needs a few people who truly care about the person struggling with addiction. Some people choose to have a professional doctor, therapist or counselor to run the intervention so that there is a balance and common goal. These are important to helping a person struggling with addiction to not feel angry or embarrassed when talking to loved ones about their problems. When selecting people for an intervention, you have to choose individuals who are close to the subject and who have a responsible mind frame. Anyone who is inclined to judge or become angry will not be able to keep the peace in an intervention and would not contribute to the overall goal, which is to persuade the subject to go into drug and alcohol abuse treatment program or seek another type of help to end addiction.
Are Children Allowed at Interventions?
Children can be present at interventions, and often they are the best way to persuade someone to seek help. When someone has a little brother, child or close cousin who is younger and looks up to them, it can also be difficult for the subject to say “no” or choose to not listen. It can also spark anger that a child is at an intervention. In these cases, it’s best to decide in advance with other individuals invited to an intervention whether children should be allowed.
How to Talk to Someone Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol
What people perceive as anger or defensive behavior is actually shame and embarrassment. Many people who are addicted know that they are struggling. They are dealing with health problems. They know some or all of the negative effects on their families, but they may not want to admit it. Before an intervention, everyone in attendance should meet and practice what to say. Preparing statements ahead of time is very important.
When writing a statement for an intervention, you should include the following:
- Start off with a pleasant memory of the addicted person or a story from the past
- Express love, caring and kindness within your statement
- Talk about a specific event without judgment or confrontation that relates to a person’s addiction
- State reasons related to the health, well-being and future of the individual for why they should seek treatment
These are just examples of what others have written in statements that have worked for interventions. Of course, everyone is different and has their own challenges. Those who are closest to an individual may be able to recommend what to say to others and what not to say in order to keep anger down and promote understanding of an individual.
Agree On the End Game
Everyone going into an intervention must present a united front. Along with agreeing on what to say to persuade an individual towards a goal, they have to also know what that common goal is. For many, it’s for the subject to seek treatment at a rehab facility. If this is too big of a step or if someone is still in the infant stages of drug or alcohol abuse, it may be better to suggest therapy or self-help groups. By discussing these ideas with people who will be at the intervention, you can get a better idea of what will work and how to talk to an individual about the benefits of seeking help. In addition, you can make preparations to include the end goal in the intervention. For example, you may be able to schedule an in-house session with a therapist right after an intervention or talk to a treatment center about picking up the individual at the end of the intervention.
Where to Locate an Intervention
One reason that interventions often fail is that they are held in locations where the subject is too comfortable or feels too empowered. This is most likely because they are being held in their own homes. The location of an intervention is key to persuading an individual towards seeking help. Many choose to hold interventions at a relative’s or friend’s house. One place you should never stage an intervention is a public location such as a restaurant. Interventions are still private and intimate affairs, and the subject matter will likely embarrass anyone who is dealing with addiction. The location and time should be agreed upon in advance by all those attending. It should also be kept a secret from those who are addicted as the person likely won’t show up if they know that they are the subject of an intervention meeting.
Do Interventions Work
Most of the time, people are able to persuade someone to seek treatment or help, but there is always a follow-up. The same individuals who are at the meeting cannot simply give up on a person or choose to abandon them once they go to the rehab facility. They are still a supportive circle who must always be there for an addicted person, which is why it’s so important to invite the right people to an intervention meeting.
Finally, the subject must know what will happen if they choose not to seek help at the end of the intervention. Many families cannot handle the downward spiral of their children and may try to force them into treatment or relocate them into a different home. Those who are in a relationship with someone struggling with addiction may end the partnership. It’s up to you what consequences are given to the individual, but these also must be discussed before the meeting with those who will be in attendance.
Working with the Interventionist
An interventionist is there to ensure that your intervention succeeds. There are many interventionists in Cincinnati, Ohio. You can find them in private practices, government institutions, and rehab facilities. An interventionist is a highly trained therapist that can help you plan, coordinate, and execute the intervention.
Know What to do if the Addict Becomes Angry or Aggressive
If the addict becomes angry or aggressive, do not respond with anger. The purpose of the intervention is to talk, not to yell. An interventionist can educate you on exactly what you need to do in the event of an angry, aggressive, or violent addict.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the goal of any intervention is to reduce the damage that results from addiction. A well-planned intervention helps everyone involved including the addict. Use these tips to plan the best intervention possible for you and your loved one.
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Wondering if an intervention is the right move?
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