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Intervention Planning

Every drug addict or alcoholic eventually stops using drugs. Many find their way into recovery. Too many others‘ drug use ends by them finding their way into hospitals, jails, or worst of all, morgues.

The best way to prevent that fate is to get your loved one into treatment and on the road to recovery and a sober lifestyle. It can be difficult or impossible to do this on your own. Even if you’re successful and they agree to go to rehab, they often back out or use emotional manipulation to convince you that they don’t need to go. This is why having an intervention with a professional interventionist is so important.

An interventionist has done this all before, and they know what to say and do to ensure the best chance of success. Beyond this, they also have the skills and knowledge necessary to educate the family on the process of recovery and how to draw boundaries for the addict that will help to make sure that stay sober. Rehab is the first step on the road the recovery, and a professional intervention helps place their foot on the path.

Stop Worrying About How to Plan an Intervention

We have developed an intervention process that works. Fortunately for you, we have already made all of the mistakes in our own lives, with our own loved ones. We have tried to combat addiction from every angle and found that nothing worked as well as taking the time to develop a well thought out plan. Let our mistakes prevent you from making your own. This shouldn’t be a live-and-learn process, not when the life of your loved one literally hangs in the balance.

Let Us Handle the Intervention Planning

    • An intervention is not a process that can be entered into without proper intervention planning. Too often we hear from families that tried to do their “own intervention,” only to find out that the situation got worse than ever because of it. Proper planning of intervention leads to a successful intervention. But, as Benjamin Franklin once reminded us, “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
    • Our intervention coordinators have years of personal and professional experience in the field of addiction treatment and intervention. They will guide you through the beginning stages of the planning process and also the Continuum of Care. They will help you to answer the difficult questions and make difficult decisions. Taking what they learned through dealing with their own addicted loved ones and through working with families and addicts of many backgrounds, they will guide you.
    • Once the intervention specialist arrives you will be filled with a sense of relief and confidence as they guide you through the process, step by step. Their years of experience and training will help to prepare everyone for the challenging emotional process ahead.
    • Each member of the intervention team will receive a copy of our workbook and manual. We have set down guidelines and planning basics. The interventionist will use those guidelines to tailor fit a plan specific to each family.
    • There are very few situations that we have not come across before. Should you have any worries, fears, or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us with them. We would be happy to share our experience with you in a free consultation.

We provide professional intervention services to get your loved one into treatment. We offer the guarantee of lifelong support for everyone involved so you can feel secure about the future. We’ll help you plan and perform your intervention this week.

Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

Get free advice here: 888-467-2839

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