Why Intervention Services is Unique

Specific Interventions To Fit Any Need

Intervention Services is one of the largest independent intervention service provider in North America. Providing more interventions per year, and employing more full time interventionists gives us a great deal of experience, but also a great responsibility to those we serve.

Over the years we have adapted to fit your needs as a family in need of guidance and help.

We Focus On The Long-Term

Looking beyond the short-term goals of “getting the addict to treatment” our attitude is that a professional intervention is not truly over until your loved one gets at least one year of continuous sobriety. In order to help achieve this, we look at all of the factors contributing to the addiction, examining the causes and conditions.

Our Support Staff

Unfortunately when you choose a solo interventionist, they are available…until they are on their next intervention. It’s 7pm and your loved one just tried to leave treatment. Your interventionist may or may not be able to contact you for the next 48 hours, or while they are on a flight.

What is that you are going to do then? Intervention Services employs over 20 staff members, and are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. We separate our interventionists from our family consultants, tough love coaches, and other necessary staff. This is because we know how important it is that you be able to contact who you need to come any crisis.

We Offer One Year Support

A professional intervention should not end when your loved one agrees to go to treatment. To help each client and the family achieve their first year in sobriety, we offer each family member lifetime consultation after the intervention.

We Utilize The S.M.A.R.T. Model Of Interventions

What this means is that no stone is unturned and all bases are covered. Focusing on the addict, the family, and the interwoven dynamics in between, we have a methodology that works. Allowing the addict to see things differently and then willingly enter treatment. If we leave a single loophole, then the addict will find it and use it to their advantage. A truly professional intervention is a “one-shot deal” and should be dealt with as such.

Our Diversity

Having several full time professional intervention specialists gives Intervention Services distinct advantages. Spanning various age brackets, cultural, economic, and religious backgrounds, the idea is to fit the appropriate intervention counselor with the addict. Some of our professional intervention specialists got sober in standard 12-step modalities, some are Christian faith-based, while others did so in cognitive or psycho-therapeutic models.

Not only do we have backgrounds in almost every drug, but also in various life histories and family systems. It is important to have the best fit for your loved one.

We Maintain An Ongoing Relationship Even After A Successful Intervention

After the addict agrees to treatment, the intervention doesn’t end there. It is important to understand all the hurdles ahead in order to help maintain abstinence during and after treatment, and we insist on “following” our family’s progress into and even after treatment.

We Guide The Family The Entire Length Of Intervention

Due to our successful approach, many renowned treatment centers know us by name and reputation; however, we do not work as representatives or outside contractors for any particular program. Using our database of over 12,000 registered facilities, we try as best we can to remain unbiased in helping you to choose the form of treatment that is an ideal selection, based entirely upon your needs.

We Are Cost-Effective

Most families have suffered financially from the ruin brought upon by the drug and alcohol use of the addict, and we at Intervention Services have done everything possible to bring our overhead down in order to deliver much greater service for far less cost.

Not only are we one of the least expensive providers, but we are also one of the most heavily trained, experienced, and comprehensive intervention services in current use.

We Understand

Intervention Services was founded by two brothers, one a former drug addict and another a substance abuse counselor who suffered exactly how your family is suffering now. Collectively, they have used their extensive backgrounds, professional training, and personal experiences to develop a company that addresses not just the needs of the addicted one, but serves to heal the family as a whole. We have formed a company that offers the best of both worlds.

Our professional intervention team members have not only seen the world through the eyes of an addict, but have also experienced the pain of being a family member of an addict. We are not simply compassionate about what you are going through, we have lived what you are going through.

Founded by a family who has been through the ruins and come out the other side to see the sunlight, we have developed not only the most effective crisis in intervention style, but also a very caring, loving family intervention style which focuses on the family as a whole. Quite simply, we offer hope when there is little or none, and we help to guide you from fear into faith.

We Will Try And Help You, Even If You Can’t Afford An Intervention

Intervention Services is unique because our founder, David Lee, will speak to you regardless of your financial situation and try to help and guide you in helping your loved one. Whether it is in finding treatment for yourself or helping your loved one find recovery, we will try our best to be there for you.

Unfortunately most intervention providers have forgotten why we got into this profession in the first place…to help others. No one deserves to be dismissed or thrown away. To truly understand what makes us different, we suggest you call other intervention providers and ask to speak with the owner. Tell them you have no money and watch the clock, it will be only a few brief moments before you understand why Intervention Services stands as the largest intervention service provider in North America.

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