Intervention Frequently Asked Questions
The decision to seek out the help of an interventionist and get an addicted loved one into rehab can be a difficult one. Below are some frequently asked questions that may help ease your mind.
Family Day focuses heavily on this topic because it is often the greatest concern for our clients. The odds of your loved one agreeing to attend a rehabilitation center are high, as long as everyone involved sticks to the plan laid out by the interventionist. We have designed our intervention model for the highest level of success, and our statistics show that it works. Even when addicts do not agree right away, most will agree within 24 hours.
However, if they are not willing to go, it’s important to remember that attending rehab is only one part of a complex whole. Our goal is to get your loved one sober and keep them that way. The tools and coping mechanisms taught during the intervention process are equally valuable to the addict’s long-term success in remaining sober. Not enabling the addict, and sticking to the plan you’ve set forth, is the best thing you can do for your loved one.
This is, unfortunately, something that is said by every single addict at some point. The fact remains, however, that if they could quit on their own, they already would have before it got this far. Statistically, less than 1% of substance users get sober on their own, even though the average person who has been using for over three years has already had many unsuccessful attempts. Remember, addiction is a disease and requires treatment just like any other disease. If your loved one had cancer, you wouldn’t accept that they could get better on their own.
The only guarantee in addiction therapy is that doing nothing guarantees that the addict will continue to use. While we have a 95% success rate, just as with treatment of any other disease, there can be a guarantee of results. We have found, however, that in the 5% of cases where the addict doesn’t agree to go to rehab, the support group was unwilling or unable to provide the tough love they were coached to give. Sticking with the plan is the best way to ensure success.
You are paying not for the addict to go to rehab, but everything that goes into convincing to them to go and all of the information learned in the process. We will stand with you and guide you until they enter treatment or until you are satisfied.
We go into this topic on Family Day, and the rehabilitation facility will send a detailed exit plan to assist both the addict and their family. The interventionist and family should adhere to the exit plan that is tailored to the specific individual.
Our interventionists have a lot of experience dealing with addicts and knows how they think and move. With most being in recovery themselves, they know the game and how to play it. They know how to reel them in. We will help you devise a plan to find him, if not in the first 24 hours, then by the second day.
There is no additional charge in the addict takes an extra day or two, outside of the additional hotel nights. In the worst-case scenario, if the addict simply cannot be found, the intervention may need to be halted there and picked up when he is found. There is no additional cost for this either, other than the travel costs to return.
Family Day is dedicated to answering questions just like this one in depth. The short answer is that you should not approach him on your own. What often happens is that the addict will say yes to avoid the intervention, but then they won’t go, or they will offer excuses as to why they need to wait just a little longer. Sometimes they go but then leave rehab two days later. This often leaves the support network unprepared and not knowing what to do.
Remember, this isn’t just about getting them to go to rehab. It’s about learning how to get and help him stay sober. This means not enabling. This means drawing hard lines. The support of an interventionist is vital to setting and keeping healthy boundaries. We want this to be the last time he ever has to go to a treatment center.
Follow the lead of the interventionist. These are very common occurrences that are our interventionists are qualified to handle and have experienced many times. Trust them to guide you through. We also go over this topic on Family Day.
Our interventionists are licensed and certified. They have years of experiencing working in the field and know how to address an enabling mother, ease her fears, and help her provide tough love. It is our job to bring the support group together into a cohesive unit, even if this is the first time they’ve been able to come together toward a common goal. Families of addicts are often full of unhealthy relationships, and part of the process is helping everyone change their behavior patterns for the best possible outcome.
Letters are the best way for everyone to get their feelings out. When these statements are written down beforehand, it helps keep thoughts organized and emotions from taking over. The letter format also prevents arguments, as people are more likely to listen and allow someone to finish reading a letter than they are to let them finish a typical spoken thought. The interventionist will go over the process with you and review the letters prior to the intervention.
We go over the letters in detail on Family Day. You don’t have to worry about your letter being perfect. It’s about expressing your feelings and your consequences, not about grammar or perfect writing. We will provide you with a basic format letter to use as a template.
We recommend that you talk to the interventionist about your specific situation. Many of our interventionists have worked as family therapists and will accept children of all ages into interventions. In most cases, children over 13 are encouraged to attend. A safety plan is put in place to ensure the wellbeing of any children in attendance.
At least four or five people are recommended. The more attendees, the better. It doesn’t have be family. Think of those who have had contact with the addict, like cousins, old friends, clergy, even neighbors. Anyone who has expressed concern for the addict, even if they are no longer actively in their lives, can have an impact when presented as a united front.
There are various options available when a key member of the addict’s support group cannot physically attend the meeting. Each interventionist handles this a little different, so it’s important to discuss it with your specific professional. In some cases, the best friend may be asked to write their letter and utilize a telephone call or video chat, so that the person can still be present in the moment. The interventionist will guide you on the solution that best fits the needs of everyone involved.
If you think someone will sabotage the intervention, bring this to the attention of the interventionist. They are experienced in handling these types of issues and can advise you on the best course of action for your specific circumstances.
Call 911 immediately and follow through on hospitalization. Imminent danger is the most important priority. Beyond this, we can and have done interventions in a hospital setting, and the facilities worked with us to ensure their success. This topic is discussed on Family Day.
The first and most important consideration when deciding on a treatment facility for an addict is which one is best for them. We find the facility best suited for him. In addition to this, it is important to remember that lifestyle plays an important role in the development of addiction. Being away from the environments and people who have contributed to that lifestyle allows the addict to focus on himself and his recovery.
By the time you are considering an intervention, it is highly likely that there have already been dozens of unsuccessful mini-interventions. How many times have you asked him to quit using? How many times has he said he would and then didn’t follow through? How many times have you or others been manipulated into giving another chance?
The fact of the matter is that addiction is a disease just like any other, and it requires treatment and ongoing support. It also requires lifestyle and behavior changes that most people cannot achieve on their own. Less than 1% of addicts are able to get sober without professional help. The reason for that goes beyond specialized training and experience provided by the intervention staff. The primary reason is that the staff is not you. We cannot be manipulated because we don’t have the strings and emotional connections with the addict that you do.
We provide a logical face without emotional baggage, and often that’s just what is needed to get through to them. Bringing in a professional also shows that you’re serious, that you’re all united, and that they won’t get away with these behaviors anymore.
For over 20 years, we have been the leading intervention company in the United States. While a credentialing board does not govern us, many of our interventionists and other staff members are licensed and certified in the fields of addiction and mental health services. In addition to these credentials, most have held their career in the area for 10 to 20 years.
In many cases, when this happens, the addict then backs out before actually checking into a treatment center. They will either make excuses as to why they need to put it off, or they will back out at the last minute. In some cases, they will even check in but then leave a few days later. The best way to ensure that he remains sober is to work with an interventionist.
We do offer a Family Recovery Coach Program, which begins with a day of education for the addict and the family where loving support is given to the addict, and transportation to the rehab is provided, both as support and to be sure he arrives and checks in.
There is no one, simple answer to this question. During Family Day, we will go over all of this and help find solutions. Remember, the risk of losing a job and even custody of children is very real if drug or alcohol use is allowed to continue to the point of driving a vehicle intoxicated or going to work high.
If treatment is sought before something like this happens, your loved one may be protected from job loss by the Family Medical Leave Act. Talk to your interventionist about your individual case.
Yes. We encourage that you talk to the family. We can even set up a conference call so that all questions can be answered at once and to everyone. It’s important that you’re entirely comfortable with your decision and we will do all that we can to facilitate that.
We do ask that you do not take too long, and there are a few reasons for this. The first reason is that there is a chance, however unlikely, that something could happen to the addict in the meantime. This is always a risk when someone is using. The second reason is that the longer you wait, the more likely the addict will experience what is known as an upswing. This is when, despite his addiction and its adverse effects on his life, something good happens to him. Maybe he gets that job. Perhaps he just has a sober day. It’s all too easy for the caregiver to convince themselves that this means the addict is getting better. Unfortunately, it does not. The reality is a still-growing and ever more dangerous addiction.
Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?
Get free advice here: 855-545-7336