Intervention Testimonials
The following are a handful of testimonials that we receive from family members that we have conducted interventions with. Intervention Services speaks with, on average, over 1000 people per month looking for treatment, recovery, or interventions. As such, it is highly difficult to sort through and list each and every testimonial that we receive. References are always available upon request and if you or your loved one would like a testimonial placed upon our site, please contact us, and we will make every effort to include it.
Intervention Services always respects confidentiality and removes references to names in each testimonial that we receive. We thank each and every family member who has allowed us to give them the time and guidance to help someone they care for.
Dear Intervention Services,
What can I possibly say except Thank You so much. I believe that you are the channel but God is our source. No one understands what someone else is going through unless they have walked in their shoes.
Everyone has a journey & paths that they choose in life and its ironic how our paths lead us to our careers sometimes. We all have a destiny & some of the journeys are harder than others. I believe that I am a strong person today because of some poor choices I’ve made in my past. But I don’t regret my choices because they have molded me onto who I am today. I’m sorry for the “hurt & pain” that I have caused my children because of some of my choices. But I have worked through my guilt. You have had quite the journey too. One that I couldn’t even imagine being on. But I’m proud of you for coming to the place that you are at today & helping so many other people because of your journey.
Thank You for being there for my family in our time of crisis and need. I have prayed for this day for many years. My sister is a beautiful, smart & loving person & she deserves to have a healthy & long fulfilling life, and thank God my dad & mom came through for her so she could receive this wonderful gift to get her life back on track.
Thank you again. You are our angel sent to us from God. Merry Christmas & all the best of Health and Happiness in 2011. God Bless!
Our Family
To Your Team,
Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for helping our son seek treatment for his drug addiction. Not familiar with the intervention process, I began searching online for guidance. Your site was extremely informative and it answered several of the most important questions I had about my son’s opiate addiction before I even called.
My first live connection with Intervention Services was through Nate who was absolutely terrific- we talked at length about how it worked, what the process entailed and all the details that I hadn’t thought of. He also did research on one of the facilities we were considering, called the place, and wrote a long and thoughtful opinion that helped me make a well-informed decision. Even though he was only a voice on the phone, I felt as though he was right by my side.
Then you came to conduct the intervention. You picked up where Nate left off and took our family through each stage of the intervention process so we would be prepared for the actual one the following day. Your kindness, sense of humor and ability to share your personal and professional experiences made us all feel very comfortable with what was about to happen and how we would react in certain situations. You helped us every step of the way and at one point when I thought it wasn’t going to happen, looked at me with a twinkle in your eye and a smile and said…”Oh, he’s going…don’t worry.” Of course, you were right and when his resistance broke down, my son shook your hand and said “Thanks, man.” You accompanied him to Baltimore and called me last night once my son was on his way to treatment. My family and I thank God for sparing your life and bringing you into ours. You are our angel.
Thank you just isn’t enough for the gift you helped us give our son. God bless you all.
A mom
(p.s. please feel free to use any portion of this testimonial for your collateral materials)
Just wanted to write to say “thank you” and to tell you how deeply indebted we are to you and the members of your team who helped us successfully place our daughter in treatment.
David, your video was instrumental in helping bring together the members of a family pulled in different directions and struggling to find the justification for an intervention. We all identified so easily with the picture your words painted and were all of a sudden united in our efforts to do the right thing for our daughter.
Nate was incredible. He was always there to answer my calls, was always the calm voice of reason and understanding, and was always able to guide me through the detailed process of setting up the intervention and choosing an appropriate facility. He is no longer a stranger to me, and I consider him a member of the family. Certainly, he did as much or more than any of us in bringing the intervention about, and we are forever in his debt.
Patty was equally wonderful. She stepped off the airplane, introduced herself and immediately took charge, with confidence and yet with kindness. Her positive attitude assured us all from the beginning that our intervention would be successful, and the care and concern she showed for all of us, especially for our daughter, was just as important as her obvious expertise and skills in performing her tasks. She made it look easy, and I know ist wasn’t. We are equally indebted to her.
Again. Words don’t seem to adequately express our gratitude for everything that Intervention Services, especially Nate and Patty, did for us and for our daughter. She has a lot of hard work ahead of her, but she now that a chance again, thanks to all of you. We were very lucky the day we found you.
A loving Mom
Dear Intervention Services,
This is a little note to thank your services for sending us Patricia Peters on March 9th to our home to help our family with our son. She was absolutely the best! She sure knows her job and you should be proud to have her represent your company! Thank you so much for all you did to help us get our son back in our lives. The center called today and he is doing good. I’m sure we couldn’t have done it without your help. May God bless you!
Many Thanks!
Loving Parents
Intervention Services,
Sorry it took so long for me to write back! Things are going great. At first I didn’t want to be here at all and I had no interest in not doing drugs again, but now all of that has changed. I’ve been here for over 30 days, and am on step 3. I’ve been going to outside NA meetings which I really like. I was very shy when I got here and didn’t want to share anything, that’s why I’m only on step 3 but now I feel completely comfortable sharing with everyone.
I have a tight group of friends, who I really like, and I’ve only gotten one write up since I’ve been here. I play basketball a lot and go swimming! I want to thank you so much for saving my life and helping my family. If I was not here right now, I would be high, I would still b stealing, and lying. You really do an amazing thing by bringing people here. The program is a very good one and it is helping me tan!!
Someone you intervened on
Intervention Services and Sharon K. (Interventionist),
Want to thank you so much for what you did for me & my family. At 1st I didn’t really want to be here & clean, but things & my thoughts are shifting. I’m ½ way done with my program. It gave me back my energy & my smile. I think so far it has been the most valuable thing I’ve done. Its made me want to go back to school again & tackle learning head-on! I can’t wait to go to chef school now & be an all-star super chef! LoL. I hope everything with you is super great! Thanks for your card. Someone else is here that you did an intervention on. He’s still resistant, but I’m in hopes that he’ll want to change. Much love & thanks.
-the New Me