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Intervention and Addiction Videos

Our video section has been provided and made for families to help them to understand their loved ones and to offer some form of education and guidance to a situation that can feel overwhelming at times.

Family Interventions – Why Families Wait

It is common knowledge within the intervention field that over 90% of clients who are intervened on end up agreeing to enter treatment. However, less than 5% of family members who reach out an inquire about family interventions actually end up having an intervention done on their loved one. Which means that it is easier to convince an unwilling addict or alcoholic to enter treatment then it is to convince a family to let us do it.

The Rogue Elephant

Seeking an answer the question as to why some people become addicted to drugs and others don’t.

How Enabling Affects Your Loved Ones

“Understanding Enabling from a Recovering Addicts Perspective” is to help families to understand the “Four Emotions an Addict uses to cause People to Enable Them”. It seeks to show how enabling addiction can affect their loved ones.

Hitting Rock Bottom

Is hitting rock bottom necessary in order to change? It is important for families to collectively understand that waiting for this mysterious event, this “bottom” that they have often been mistakenly informed of…often results in disastrous consequences.

Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

Get free advice here: 888-467-2839

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