Seattle Interventionist

Seattle Drug and Alcohol Interventions

When you’ve tried every method you can imagine to get your loved one or friend to seek treatment for addiction and all options have led to the same consistent drug or alcohol abuse and apprehension towards treatment, intervention may provide an outlet that actually IS effective. Staging a successful drug and alcohol intervention in Seattle requires the help of a professional, but when the entire process if over, you’ll feel better knowing that your loved one got the help that he or she so desperately needed.

What is an Intervention?

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine in association with the National Institutes of Health, interventions are defined to help addicts learn how to control their addiction through changing behaviors and improving a situation. Addiction interventions generally involve the gathering of friends and family as well as a professional interventionist to work with the addict to guide him or her towards making the decision to seek treatment.

The interventionist will ask you a series of questions to get to know your situation and to better understand the addict. This also helps the interventionist to determine whether he or she believes they will be able to encourage the addict into treatment or not. You will need to know:

  • If the addict is violent or has aggressive tendencies, particularly when discussing his or her addiction.
  • Whether the addict is using drugs or alcohol with other family members or friends. (It will be important that these individuals are not included in the “intervention team”)
  • Who is most likely to influence the addict to make a positive behavioral change—who means the most to the addict?
  • What times the addict is most likely to be sober or under the least influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • What substances are being abused and the severity or frequency of abuse.

Helping a Seattle drug and alcohol intervention specialist to understand each of these specific elements related to your situation can help him or her to plan the best course of intervention for your loved one.

Types of Interventions

Seattle drug and alcohol interventions involve a number of both behavioral and cognitive therapy methods according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The goal of the intervention, no matter which type of therapeutic process is used, is to encourage the addict into treatment. The most common methods or types of interventions for addiction to drugs or alcohol include:

  • Invitation style interventions
  • Brief interventions
  • Systemic intervention
  • Conversational style intervention
  • Confrontational style intervention

While there is no surefire way to ensure a successful intervention (because in the end, it’s up to the addict to decide whether he or she will accept treatment), studies have proven that having a professional on your side during the intervention process is more likely to lead to a successful outcome.


One of the most difficult things that a person can face is hearing that their friend or a family member has died due to a drug or alcohol overdose. Sadly, this is a frequent occurrence in our society. Many times, the person has many friends and family members who care about them, but they do not step in to intervene in the addiction until it is too late.

If you suspect that someone you love is dealing with alcohol or drug addiction, it is vital to learn what the signs and symptoms of addiction are. It is also vital to get real help for the addicted person.

Information is power. Once you understand drug or alcohol addiction, you can stage a successful intervention that will encourage your loved one to get help without pushing them away.

Some people believe that drug and alcohol addictions are mainly a problem for teens and young adults. However, the CDC reports that the highest age bracket for overdoses is people who are age 45 to 54. In addition, men die from drug overdoses at a higher rate than women. It is sobering to realize that middle aged adults actually have a higher overdose risk than those who are in their teens and early 20s.

Drug Abuse

It is not uncommon for addicts to completely deny their addictions. They might tell you that they do not have a problem when they are talking to you, but, in reality, they cannot wait to get their next fix. As the addiction worsens, they often neglect their family and work responsibilities. Eventually, the thought of getting high consumes them, and they often move on to stronger and even more dangerous substances.

One of the best things that you can do to help someone that is overusing illegal drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol is to learn about the warning signs of addiction. The following information from the Best Drug Rehabilitation Center will help you increase your awareness.

Physical Symptoms of Drug Abuse

  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Enlarged pupils and/or bloodshot eyes
  • Tremors or seizures
  • Slurred speech and poor coordination
  • Unusual odor on the person’s body and clothing

Behavioral Symptoms of Drug Abuse

  • Secretive, suspicious behavior
  • Decreased performance at school, home and work
  • Getting into trouble on a regular basis
  • Intense financial issues

Psychological Symptoms of Drug Abuse

  • Increased anxiety and fear for no apparent reason
  • Lack of motivation
  • Anger issues
  • Mood swings
  • Personality changes

Alcohol Abuse

Since a person must consume large quantities of alcohol to form an alcohol dependency, alcohol abuse is usually easier to recognize than drug abuse. It is common for alcohol abusers to ignore and deny the problem until they hit rock bottom. Many sufferers from alcohol dependency risk losing everything that is important to them, including their homes, jobs, families and even their lives. It is important to understand the signs of alcohol abuse before you decide to conduct an intervention.

Symptoms of Alcohol Dependency

  • Anxiety and/or depression
  • Sudden personality changes
  • Lack of inhibitions
  • Slurred speech
  • Low energy and motivation
  • Drinking at home alone
  • Denial of an alcohol problem
  • Low self-esteem
  • Signs of withdrawal, such as nausea, irritability, fatigue and shaking

Intervention Advice

If the signs and symptoms of drug or alcohol abuse are present in your loved one, intervening could save their life. However, it is important to approach the intervention in the correct manner. If the addict feels threatened, it is much more difficult to get him to agree to treatment.

First, you need to decide who needs to be present at the invention and why they should be there. In most cases, it should be limited to the spouse, close family members and close friends.

Professional help can be very useful while you are planning your intervention. The staff at the Best Drug Rehabilitation facility can help organize and facilitate the intervention. In addition, they have incredible knowledge of all of the different treatment options that are available, so they can explain these options to your loved one.

During the intervention, it is important to remember that you cannot force or intimidate someone into doing something they do not want to do. Instead, simply ask the addict to have an open mind and listen to what her loved ones are saying. They need to understand why their loved ones are so passionate about helping them receive treatment and overcome their addiction.

If the addict chooses to receive treatment, your stop still is not done. Rehabilitation from addiction is not an easy process. Your loved one will need your constant emotional support as she goes through this journey.

It is not easy to deal with the serious reality of drug addiction, so it can seem easier to ignore the problem. However, avoidance can lead to a lifetime of regrets if your loved one does not get the treatment that he needs. An addict will likely not see the permanent effects of his actions unless they are pointed out by someone he cares about.

If you are interested in learning more about how to help your loved one with a drug or alcohol addiction, contact the Best Drug Rehabilitation Center today. Each addict is different, and the employees can help you develop a plan that will meet your loved one’s needs.

What Happens During the Intervention?

Every intervention is a little bit different, but the general steps that will occur when you call a Seattle interventionist for help include:

  • A series of questions during the research phase during which the interventionist decides whether he or she believes the addict will agree to treatment.
  • A planning stage during which time the interventionist will work with family and friends to help them understand the addiction, their role in the intervention, and what to do if the addict does NOT choose help.
  • A rehearsal stage during which time the “intervention team” gets together to decide on what they will say to the addict, what the overall message of the intervention will be, and what consequences will be provided should the addict NOT choose help.
  • The intervention itself, during which time the intervention team consisting of family and friends, the interventionist and the addict will come together to work towards the common goal of sending the addict off to treatment.
  • If the addict chooses treatment, a Seattle interventionist will remain with the individual until he or she is admitted to treatment.

Working with an interventionist ensures the greatest chance of a successful intervention. You can find Seattle interventionists in private practices, through government-funded institutions, and at local rehab facilities.

Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

Get free advice here: 855-545-7336

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