Our Interventionists

With the help of our interventionists, you don’t have to fight your loved one’s battle alone

Throw them out. I wouldn’t tolerate that. Why do you keep putting up with this. They’ll never change.

It can be so frustrating sometimes.  Everyone seems to have advice. But something about the advice from others seems wrong, somehow.  If there is a small spark of goodness left, why give up? Our professional interventionist can help.

Intervention Services employs a number of experienced, qualified, and trained intervention specialists to help guide you throughout this process. As the largest intervention service provider in North America, Intervention Services has helped thousands of families who were feeling just like you are.

Due to being a relatively new field, unfortunately, there are many unqualified or inexperienced people in recovery claiming to be addiction interventionists or drug and alcohol intervention specialists. Focusing on the short-term and ignoring the larger picture, they often make the mistake of just “talking someone into treatment at any cost”. Using ultimatums and coercion, the interventionist may temporarily get your loved one to agree to go. But unfortunately for you, three days later, your loved one has checked themselves out of rehab and your “intervention professional” has flown back home. In worse situations, an inexperienced intervention counselor can do more damage than good.

A drug or alcohol interventionist should be guiding you through a life-changing process, and with Intervention Services, it is more than simply getting your loved one into treatment. An addiction intervention should help to empower the family and begin to restore the wreckage that the substance abuse has caused. It should answer the questions about why the addiction began, what factors contribute to it, and how to help prevent it from recurring. It should continue long after your loved one agrees to treatment.

You should be comfortable with the intervention counselor or service that you choose, for he or she will be helping you to bring your family back together. At Intervention Services USA we employ several full-time interventionists spanning various age brackets, cultural, economic, and religious backgrounds. The idea is to fit the appropriate intervention counselor with the addict. Our 55-year-old former alcoholic intervention specialist might not be the ideal fit for a 21-year-old methamphetamine drug dealing addict and it is for that reason that we have such a wide diversity in backgrounds.

From a personal recovery standpoint, each of our drug and alcohol intervention specialists has been directly affected by addiction in their personal lives as well, whether being a former addict, the family member of an addict or both. Founded by two brothers, one suffering from addiction and one not, we have been exactly where you and your loved one has been.


Many of our Interventionists have experience in Addictions Counseling, Psychology, Social Work or Theology. Most of us have been employed in other professions within the treatment field, working as Directors, Case Managers, or Substance Abuse Counselors at drug and alcohol treatment facilities. Helping thousands of addicts and families to find sobriety and recovery, each interventionist that we employ have dedicated their lives to helping others. Because years earlier in each of our lives, someone was once there for us.

Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

Get free advice here: 855-545-7336

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