Crisis Intervention Service

crisis intervention service

A crisis intervention service can be an invaluable resource when a family or individual is faced with an emotional or psychiatric crisis that has escalated to an emergency requiring outside help. Some intervention centers offer specialized services while others are capable of handling a large variety of crises.

Specialty distinctions between centers often restrict treatments to adults or exclusively children and adolescents. Asking good questions before seeking treatment for yourself or a family member is the best way to evaluate the suitability of different centers and crisis intervention services.

Substance Abuse Crisis Intervention Service

One of the biggest reasons alcoholics and drug addicts require a crisis intervention service is because substance abusers have trouble admitting that they have a problem. Living in denial often defines their addiction. For this reason, an intervention may offer a substance abuser the best chance of getting help.

An intervention event scheduled for the purpose of getting an addict into treatment saves not only their life, but the livelihood of those around them. The purpose of any intervention for a substance abuser is to get the individual to admit they need help and get them to enter treatment.

Hiring a professional interventionist is the best way to approach such an emotional event. A professional can provide the guidance required to guarantee the best likelihood of success.

Mental Illness Crisis Intervention Service

Mental illness can escalate into a dangerous and urgent crisis requiring a professional crisis intervention service to prevent harm from occurring.

Whenever an individual is believed to be capable of hurting themselves or others, then the problem has reached a crisis level and should be considered serious.

Suicidal threats, psychotic breaks, violence and severe mania or depression symptoms merit an intervention. Mental health professionals with experience can calm a patient, as they can objectively assess the situation. The emotional investment that family members and other loved ones have with the individual suffering from mental illness can often exacerbate the situation.

Domestic Abuse Crisis Intervention Service

Crisis Intervention Services for families being victimized by an abusive family member is sometimes the only answer for escaping a deadly home environment. Intervention services in domestic abuse cases often require temporary shelter and other monetary support for victims to escape violence.

It is often considered too dangerous to return home, or to known relatives’ homes where the abuser might track them down. Sometimes the most dangerous time period in a domestic abuse crisis is considered to be just after the spouse and/or children leave the home. For this reason, finding a crisis intervention service capable of relocating a family or spouse is crucial for long-term success.

Intervention in this type of situation is a difficult process since the abused spouse and immediate family members usually have to cut ties with other family members for a short time to prevent the abuser from finding them.

There is Help with a Crisis Intervention Service

There is professional help available for people in crisis situations.

Utilizing experienced interventionists when coping with emergencies gives a family a fighting chance to recover from what could be a life-changing moment in time.

A crisis intervention service center to help individuals or families trying to cope with domestic abuse, mental illness emergencies and substance abuse can keep a crisis from ending in disaster.

If you have questions or need to speak with someone, understand that most of our staff are recovering professionals who can speak with you as someone who once abused drugs or alcohol themselves.

A crisis intervention service provided by a highly trained Interventionist can help get your loved one to treatment and teach you and your family how to deal with the enabling behaviors of the addicts support network.

Intervention Services has been providing Crisis Intervention Service by our professional Intervention Specialists for over ten years.  If you or a loved one needs help, please call: 855-545-7336.

Need to know more about what makes our Interventionists great? See our About Us page.
crisis Intervention Services

Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

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