Continuum of Care
We Are A Full Continuum of Care Provider
It is critical that you, when seeking help for your loved one, choose an intervention service provider that has the ability to deliver and manage a full Continuum of Care, from start to finish. This collection of services is designed to help addicts and their families not only get sober but remain sober long-term. The Continuum of Care for recovery from drug and alcohol addiction consists of the following services:
- Intervention Planning
- Intervention Services
- Chemical Dependency Treatment
- Family Reintegration
- Sober Coach
- Year Long Case Management
- Drug Testing / Alcohol Monitoring
- Sober Housing
The missing piece to your loved one’s recovery
When a family member comes to us for help with their loved one’s substance abuse, we understand that they’re in the midst of an emotional roller coaster. The fear and desperation that comes along with loving someone suffering from alcohol and drug abuse is very real and can be almost debilitating. We know what it is like to have spent hours lying awake at night worrying about your loved one’s well-being. Our competent, experienced staff is well equipped to assist you.
Now that you have made the wise decision to get them help, we understand how important it is for everyone involved to feel that their loved one is getting the best possible help from the most qualified team. Intervention Services wants to guide you so that you can do everything within your power to get your loved one the help they need…the entire scope of help that they need.
The reality is that for most people, treatment by itself is not enough for long-term sobriety.
While some people just go through detox and never use drugs again, or even just wake up one day and stop drinking or using, most people need considerably more help in order to stay sober. In fact, less than 1% of addicts are able to stop using on their own.
“For many years we thought that perhaps we hadn’t picked the best addiction treatment center. Maybe, we thought, he didn’t stay in treatment long enough, or he didn’t get the right kind of treatment. We spent hours on the phone and on the internet searching for that right center; the one that would fix all of our loved one’s problems. Maybe he needed a 90-day rehab instead of a 30-day treatment center. Maybe he needed more cognitive behavioral therapy, more 12 step treatment or perhaps a non-12 step treatment center. We focused all of our energy on finding the right center.”
A Recovery Intervention has a long-lasting goal
Intervention Services provides three primary types of interventions: Crisis Interventions, Recovery Interventions, and Closure Interventions. A Crisis Intervention seeks only to get a client into treatment to handle the immediate problem, with the singular goal of getting your loved one sober. Most of our clients opt for a Recovery Intervention, where the goal is much more far-reaching…to get your loved one into a long-lasting lifestyle of recovery. This is the best fit for most of our clients, as it provides the entire family with all of the tools required for both a successful intervention and successful long-term sobriety. Closure Interventions provide aftercare for the family and the addict once sober.
All three options have their place, and the same approach doesn’t work for every addict or every support group. Our interventionists have years of experience with addiction recovery and can go over all of the options with you to ensure that the best option is chosen.
What we have learned through our years of experience is that while finding the right treatment center is important, it is equally important to direct your loved one into a continuum of care. The first step in that process is choosing the right Recovery Intervention. Our experts are here to help you make that important choice. Drug abuse doesn’t form overnight, and there is no overnight drug addiction cure, either. What it takes for your loved one to finally get sober, and stay sober, is a group of our services that we now know as the Continuum of Care.
Continuum of Care For Recovery From Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Intervention Services USA is a nationally-recognized Continuum of Care provider. The Continuum of Care is the most comprehensive approach towards recovery from drug and alcohol addiction in use today. This new addiction recovery process is only being used by a handful of intervention providers.
Your loved one is unique. It will take a unique path for them to find long-term sobriety. Finding the right treatment center is important. But, when you understand that treatment in conjunction with a continuum of care approach raises your loved one’s chances for long-term recovery, you will find the missing link. The greatest gift you can give your loved one is time; time away from the drugs and alcohol, time in a safe environment, time to learn from the experts how to live life without the help of mood-altering substances. The time between active addiction and steady recovery is one of the most important times for an addict, as they learn to navigate their new life. We can help you give them that all-important time.
Allow us, Intervention Services, to guide you through the maze of inpatient addiction treatment options and additional services. We know this is not an easy time for you, your family or your addicted loved one. So allow us to help provide a tailored treatment program specifically designed for the addict in your life and the people who love and support them.

Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?
Get free advice here: 855-545-7336