Choosing Addiction Treatment

choosing treatment

Choosing addiction treatment can be a bit overwhelming for family members of someone addicted to drugs or alcohol. Evaluating exactly what form of treatment responds best with the individual is of utmost importance in gaining long-term sobriety from alcohol or drugs.

It is best to choose treatment before the Intervention

At Intervention Services, we not only have an on-going personal relationship with many highly accredited treatment facilities, we also have access to several databases which allow us to refer to over 12,000 treatment centers nationwide.

Since our interventionists have obtained sobriety in a variety of different approaches, we are familiar with most current modalities. We will not suggest what worked for us, we will suggest what we feel will work for you.

Choosing treatment:

Again, determining exactly what form of treatment is best with the individual who is suffering from addiction is of primary importance if treatment is to be successful. If the individual isn’t receptive to a particular “brand” of counseling, then he will not respond to it.

This is a statement we wish to emphasize and re-emphasize. We can help you to select the form of treatment, length of stay, and what aftercare is appropriate and is best on a case-by-case basis.

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Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

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