Faith Based Recovery Centers
It is frightening to watch a family member or friend destroy their
lives with alcohol or drugs. Once you have decided to intervene, we
recommended creating a solid plan
for recovery. This means the right intervention approach, an
appropriate method of treatment, as well as continued support. Finding
the right treatment center and aftercare for a loved one can be a very
difficult undertaking. With literally thousands of options to consider, the situation can be quite frustrating. However, some people may find faith based recovery centers to be the best option.
Why use faith-based recovery centers?
If your loved one was (or is currently) a member of a religious group or a believer in religious teachings, scripture-based treatment may be your best option. These types of programs seek to reintroduce a concept of God while instilling meaning and direction in the lives of recovering addicts. Research shows us that faith-based recovery centers really work. A study from the National Center on Addiction and
Substance Abuse at Columbia University determined that a vast majority of addicts with over two years sober had an increased sense of spirituality. The same study shows that 79% of Americans believe that
faith can help people overcome their addictions. Another report from the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment states, “recovering individuals tend to report high levels of religious faith and religious affiliation
[…] associated with a more optimistic life orientation, greater perceived social support, higher resilience to stress, and lower levels of anxiety.”
How it works:
When a person of faith struggles with addiction, the holistic nature of the disease is truly realized. It becomes very apparent this is a disease that affects mind, body, and spirit. Many professionals believe
that addictive behavior is an attempt to reconcile an absence of spirituality. The best way to fill this void by reconnecting the addict with their chosen faith. While popular groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are based in spirituality, their all-inclusive approach may not work for everyone. By focusing on a familiar religious path and set of scriptures, faith-based recovery centers can provide specific solutions with the backing of an understanding community. Although Christian centers are the most widespread, there are resources available for every faith.
How to find a faith based group:
The most widely-renowned Christian recovery group is Celebrate Recovery. This program has impacted hundreds of thousands of people, and now operates from over 19,000 churches worldwide. Another well-known organization is called JACS (Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others), and serves the Jewish community. For Muslims, helpful resources can be found at Muslim Sober Companion.
Intervention Services is more than happy to help you find the right faith-based recovery centers for your loved one. Our services are available 24/7, so feel free to contact us at any time. We are dedicated to giving your friend or family member a personalized treatment plan. No one can do this alone. We’re
here to help.

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Wondering if an intervention is the right move?
Get free advice here: 855-545-7336