Google accused of allowing ads for illegal prescription drugs

The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) has accused Google of continuing to allow illegal online pharmacies to advertise in search engine results, despite being ordered to end the practice in 2011.

Speaking on behalf of the group to the USA Today, Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood said that the search engine giant  was not working hard enough to fight the problem.

“On every check we have made, Google’s search engine gave us easy access to illegal goods, including websites which offer dangerous drugs without a prescription, counterfeit goods of every description,” Hood stated in the interview. “This behavior means that Google is putting consumers at risk and facilitating wrongdoing, all while profiting handsomely from illegal behavior.”

Google countered that accusation by releasing a statement that emphasized the work that they have done to combat rogue online pharmacies and illegal drugs including removing more than 3 million ads for illegal pharmacies and videos that are flagged for violating YouTube’s guidelines regarding dangerous or illegal content.

In 2011, the company paid $500 million to settle Justice Department charges related to ads for fraudulent Canadian pharmacies selling prescription drugs in the United States.

Additional to search engine search engine results, the NAAG has also accused Google’s YouTube unit of allowing users to post how-to videos of illegal activities. The questionable content instructs users on how to buy drugs without a prescription and link to websites that sell drugs such as Percocet.

Increasing numbers prescription drug addicts are turning to illegal online pharmacies to feed their habit. If you know someone like this, think strongly about arranging a drug intervention. The experienced staff at Intervention Services can help your loved one before it is too late.

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