Eminem opens up about drug abuse in new documentary

In a new documentary titled “How to Make Money Selling Drugs,” rapper Eminem goes into detail about his battle with prescription drug addiction. The film, which is an exploration of the drug trade, also features interviews with Woody Harrelson, 50 Cent and Susan Sarandon.

In his segment, Eminem admits that he was in denial about his addiction because he was taking medication that had been prescribed to him by a doctor.

“People tried to tell me that I had a problem,” Eminem said in the documentary. “I would say, ‘Get that [expletive] person outta here. I can’t believe they said that [expletive] to me. They know nothing about my [expletive] life. I’m not out there shooting heroin. I’m not [expletive] out there putting coke up my nose. I’m not smoking crack.'”

When he was rushed to a hospital in 2005, the hip-hop star was abusing Vicodin, Valium, Xanax and several types of sleeping pills. He said that if he had been admitted to the hospital just a few hours later, we would have probably died due to organ failure. He entered a drug rehabilitation facility later that year.

After a relapse and then a detoxification process in which he couldn’t sleep for weeks on end and had to work to regain basic motor skills, Eminem got his addiction under control. Part of defeating drugs, he said, is understanding that you don’t need them to be happy. He realized that is is possible to “[enjoy] life in general without being on something.”

If you suspect someone in your life is abusing prescription drugs, do the honorable thing and seek help. The staff at Intervention Services can connect you with an experienced interventionist who can find the best treatment program for your loved one.

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