Community involvement can help fight drug abuse

The residents of Wausau, Wisconsin, are working together to combat the growing problem of drug and alcohol abuse in their city and surrounding county. According to municipal leaders, most crime in the area is linked to drugs and they want to reduce this problem. Law enforcement officials have recently launched the “Pushback Against Drug Abuse” campaign, which aims to heighten community awareness about substance abuse.

The Marathon County Alcohol and Other Drug Partnership (AOD), a coalition of more than 200 people and organizations working together to reduce substance abuse in the county, is sponsoring the program and encouraging locals to call police when they suspect drug activity in their neighborhoods and public places. They emphasize that it is always important to be vigilant.

In an interview with the Wausau Daily Herald, Sue Nowak, an AOD prevention specialist, said residents should start their fight by first preventing and eliminating drug abuse at home. She noted the importance of being able to recognize the signs of addiction and being willing to encourage loved ones to seek treatment. Parents should also know where their children are and who they are with at all times.

“When your children come home, use your senses to know what they’ve been doing,” Nowak said to the source. “Are their pupils dilated? Are they shuffling when they walk? Be aware. Get involved.”

The citizens of Wausau are setting a great example, but you don’t have to live there to fight drug abuse in your community. If a friend or family member is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, now is the time to act. The staff at Intervention Services can connect you with an experienced interventionist who can get your loved one into the treatment program that he or she needs.

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