Drunk Driver Crashes Into Crown Point Cop Cars: Illinois Driver More Than 6 Times Over The Legal Limit
A drunk driver crashes into Crown Point cop cars, and the people of Illinois held their collective breath. This is the sequence of events that saw Kevin R. Dodge, 26, abuse the law, driving while heavily under the influence of alcohol.
To properly appreciate the state of intoxication Mr. Dodge was experiencing when apprehended, we need to understand blood-alcohol levels. The legal limit set for blood alcohol content, BAC, is 0.08. Surpass this limit and you’re judged to be drunk. Even a blood alcohol level higher than 0.05 is regarded as enough to compromise judgment, and many law enforcement representatives will duly punish this offense with a citation, possible arrest, and incarceration (www.dmv.org). The cost to the driver is a possible license suspension, but the cost can be far higher if the driver loses control of his or her automobile. Returning to Mr. Kevin R. Dodge after our short summation of BAC legislation, we see from a news report in the Post Tribune that this reckless young man’s blood alcohol content was recorded at a startling 0.476. That’s more than 6 times the legal driving limit. But we need to wind time back a little further to illustrate the chaos this kind of inebriation can cause. Kevin R. Dodge recklessly drove through several traffic lights in Crown Point while they were red, weaving down US 231, mounting a curb, and leaving his car long enough to urinate in a public parking lot. These events took place at 4pm, a time when cross-traffic could have caused a fatal accident at one of those red lights, but the drunken ride wasn’t over just yet. Relating how a drunk driver crashes into Crown Point cop cars is how this story caught the attention of news services, and this is exactly what happened. After being blocked from further driving by one squad car, the drunken Naperville resident tried to reverse out of trouble only to strike another squad car moving in to enclose his vehicle. Repeated forwarding and reversing from Dodge only exacerbated the situation, damaging both squad cars. Taken to Broadway Methodist Hospital to recover, Mr. Dodge later woke to face multiple charges, including felony resisting law enforcement and reckless driving, but it’s the influence of such high levels of alcohol that make us take pause. This situation ended without injury, but it could all have ended very differently at those red lights.