Effects of Crack

What is Crack Cocaine?

Crack cocaine, sometimes called rock or crack, is a highly addictive smokeable form of cocaine. The drug began appearing in American cities in the 1980s, and it remains a significant problem to this day. When the drug became known in the US, it caused an epidemic of addiction in major cities and urban areas. Today, crack cocaine is a strictly illegal substance in most countries. The Drug Enforcement Administration lists cocaine and crack cocaine as Schedule II drugs, meaning that their potential for abuse and addiction is very high. But what are the effects of crack cocaine? What impact does it have on a user’s physical and mental health?

Effects of Crack

Crack cocaine has a marked impact on the central nervous system, which in turn affects how users make decisions. Because the drug causes feelings of euphoria and confidence due to dopamine release, users might engage in risky behaviors with little thought about the consequences. They may have unprotected sex, involve themselves in violent situations, or steal to support their addiction. If a person has been using crack cocaine for a prolonged time, their mental health may be permanently worsened. Crack cocaine also affects the physical and psychological health of people who surround the user, especially their friends and family. If a mother uses crack cocaine during her pregnancy, she can pass on her addiction to her unborn child, which may result in developmental delays.

People who smoke crack cocaine for prolonged periods often present with lung disease and breathing problems. Because the pipe used to smoke the drug is quite short and very hot when lit, the user’s lips can be extremely burned or blistered after multiple uses. In addition to lung issues, use of the drug can increase blood pressure as well as a user’s heart rate. Crack cocaine can also cause cardiac arrest in some users. If they are not given immediate medical attention, this can lead to death. One of the most significant issues with crack cocaine is that it is often blended, or “cut,” with dangerous substances to maximize a dealer’s profit. When the user consumes these substances, it can be fatal. Other effects of crack include dilated pupils, severe organ damage, malnutrition, and the development of paranoia or delusional behavior. All of these effects can appear shortly after a person begins using crack, and they will continue to become more severe as a user’s addiction worsens.

Seeking Treatment

If a person addicted to crack is ready to seek help for their addiction to crack, then are plenty of options available to them. One of the most successful methods is inpatient treatment. This is where a person commits to living in a rehabilitation center for a certain time. Typically, this period of recovery and full support can last anywhere from one to three months.

A person who is involved in an inpatient treatment program will not have to worry about going through with crack withdrawal alone. Physical withdrawal can be a complicated process, and it may require medical supervision. This supervision is provided as a part of the inpatient recovery process. The trained doctors and staff will be able to give the patient the round-the-clock encouragement they need at the most challenging point in their recovery. In an outpatient setting, 24/7 support is more challenging to maintain.

As the physical symptoms of withdrawal subside, crack cocaine addicts will need to address underlying mental health issues. In an inpatient rehabilitation center, they will receive one-on-one support from trained mental health professionals. Also, they may also participate in group therapy sessions.

One of the most significant benefits of inpatient treatment is that it removes the addict from his or her usual surroundings. This can help remove the temptation to relapse. By spending an extended period in an inpatient facility, crack cocaine users can begin to build a support network of professionals and friends who encourage a healthy lifestyle. Outpatient facilities cannot provide this aspect of recovery, as the user will still have possible access to old connections and situations which can encourage crack cocaine use. Inpatient treatment centers help change attitudes towards crack cocaine, meaning that when the patient is ready to leave the facility, he or she will be less likely to restart their addictive habits.

Ultimately, a person using crack cocaine has to be willing to commit themselves to recovery. Forcing a crack cocaine addict into treatment may not give them the tools they need to stop using the drug. When a person is ready, the support they will be presented at an inpatient facility will set them on the path to sobriety and abstinence from crack cocaine. With the help provided in inpatient rehabilitation centers, crack cocaine users can beat their addiction and live healthy lives once more.

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