This Is Depression: Dealing With Depression

Therese Borchard Writes About Dealing With Depression on a Daily Basis

Therese Borchard is dealing with depression on a daily basis. She decided that instead of hiding her emotions and thoughts, she would put them on display for the public to see. Dealing with depression is no easy task. Depression never truly goes away. It is always in the back of your mind. It literally comes out of nowhere sometimes and blindsides you. You could literally be having a great day and then all of the sudden these thoughts creep to the front of your mind and stop you from having a good time.

Society has viewed depression and being sad as a bad thing. We have trained ourselves to hide our sadness so no one sees it, because it is not socially acceptable. Think about it, have you ever expressed being sad or upset about something? I am sure we all have. What did that person you expressed this emotion try to do? Most would say that they tried to cheer them up right away, in order to avoid dealing with an uncomfortable emotion. You cannot “up” a person with depression. They might put on a fake smile, just to make you feel more comfortable, but they are not happy all the time.

Therese started writing about her struggle and asked a few of her friends to read it. One of her friends was a little put off by some of the language Therese used in her writing, particularly the words “death thoughts“. Therese thought maybe she should tone down the language, but then realized why should she? These were her thoughts and how she thought. She was not going to hide them anymore. Therefore, she wrote a letter to her.

She started it out with, “Dear Friend, Thank you for being honest the other day when you told me that you found the words “death thoughts” in my writing to be jarring,” she continued on, “that they make you want to stop reading, that they make you think I am different from you, like a Rain Man sort of character.”

Therese bluntly put it, “I think about death when I am depressed, about ways I can get cancer, or accidents that I can stage,” she goes on stating thoughts, “or just calculate over and over again the average lifespans of relatives from both sides of my family to come up with the number of hours that I have to hang in there for.”

Therese also stated in her writing that, “the hardest thing some people will ever do in their lifetime is stay alive.” Her friends response was that she laughed at that comment. Therese went on to explain to her, “But here’s the thing. It IS the hardest thing I will ever do in my lifetime. I wasn’t overstating that. Weird, right? It doesn’t make sense.” She continues, “Why would staying alive be so hard? If you are asking yourself that, though, you probably haven’t experienced severe depression.”

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