Even after an addict has sobered up, it is a harsh reality that every day will remain a struggle to keep from using again. Recently, former Black Sabbath frontman and reality TV star Ozzy Osbourne admitted on his Facebook page that – within the last 18 months – he had returned to the alcohol and substance abuse that had characterized his music career decades ago.
The news broke amidst rumors that Osbourne was splitting up with his wife of 30 years, Sharon. According to media outlets including the Mirror – a British publication – the two have been living separately for the past few weeks. However, the singer spoke out to deny any impending divorce, and instead explained that he’d relapsed and was working to overcome his addiction yet again.
“For the last year and a half I have been drinking and taking drugs. I was in a very dark place,” Osbourne said, adding that he had mistreated the people closest to him in that time – his wife and children.
At the time of the post, Osbourne wrote that he was 44 days sober, and that he was “trying to be a better person.”
In a notable display of compassion that may be indicative of a greater understanding of addiction, many publications have lauded Osbourne for his confession, calling his statement “brave” and “heartfelt.”
If someone you love has relapsed after a drug abuse intervention, it doesn’t mean that they have no chance of recovery. Contact a professional interventionist today to learn how you can help your friend or family member as they battle their addiction. At Intervention Services, we also provide long-term support throughout this trying time.