Atlanta Interventions
Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Interventions
The findings of a recent National Institute on Drug Abuse report on substance abuse patterns and trends in Atlanta, Georgia showed there is still a severe need for addiction treatment in the city. Cocaine use decreased somewhat but methamphetamine use increased. The abuse of alcohol, heroin, prescription drugs, and marijuana all held steady. As a result, it is extremely important that individuals with substance use disorders seek the help they need in order to recover. Often times, an intervention is necessary in order to fulfill the process of actually getting a loved one who is addicted to accept that he or she has a problem and needs help.
If someone you love is struggling with drug abuse and needs help, consider an Atlanta interventionist to assist you in the process of encouraging your loved one into treatment.
Recognizing Addiction and the Need for Intervention
Most addicts won’t outright admit that they are addicted to drugs or alcohol. This is often what makes encouraging them to seek the help of a treatment program so difficult. Many people have trouble being honest with themselves or others about their drug or alcohol abuse and the extent of it. However, if you think someone you care about might have a problem, chances are good that they do.
According to the NIDA, substance abuse over time begins to change the way the brain works until the act of using drugs or drinking is no longer voluntary. The individual will begin to feel that they cannot control their use of these substances or that they cannot stop, even if they want to. If this has happened to someone you know, it is important to get help right away. If you’ve already asked the individual to seek help, and they refuse, an Atlanta intervention may be the only way you’ll get your loved one the help that he or she desperately needs.
When Can You Tell It Is Time For An Intervention?
Interventions are often the last step that family and friends take in order to help their loved ones overcome a substance abuse problem. However, there are actually many early warning signs that indicate an intervention is necessary. Below introduces five signs that mean an intervention is required.
Poor Functioning
Continual drug abuse will eventually affect a persons’ work, social or academic life. Accidents, poor performance, interpersonal conflicts, and chronic tardiness or absenteeism are all early warning signs that an intervention is needed. However, certain addicts will either attempt to hide their problems or continually blame others, fate or extenuating circumstances. Poor functioning often results in major financial and relationship problems.
Compulsive Obsession
Addicts typically can’t control their cravings. Because of this, they will be forced to unexpectedly consume their narcotic of choice. As a result, their behavior may become elusive, secretive and unexplained. Most likely they will suddenly leave for a while or have poor explanations for their abrupt disappearance. Even worse, they may simply avoid trying to hide anything and openly engage in substance abuse.
Safety Concerns
Drug use impairs the addicts’ ability to make safe, rational decisions. Therefore, chronic drug use is a threat to the safety of the addict and those around them. This is especially true for vulnerable individuals, such as children and the elderly. A parent who abuses drugs while taking care of children is in need of immediate intervention. Otherwise, this scenario may result in Child Welfare removing the children and placing them in foster care.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), every year there are millions of DUIs, assaults, and thefts that involve drugs. Legal trouble and drug use go hand-in-hand, as the addict is unable to make safe, rational decisions. However, drug use also increases the risk of the addict becoming involved in crime in order to pay for their drugs. According to the BJS, over 20 percent of all jail inmates are incarcerated due to drug offenses.
Health Problems
Drugs have long-lasting, toxic side effects on the human body. Drug uses decreases the individual’s ability to care for themselves and increases the likelihood of having health-related issues. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that most addicts suffer from at least two medical issues. Depending on the drug type, there are serious physical consequences of substance abuse. For example, amphetamine abuse often results in seizures and heart problems. Heroin use is directly linked to an increased risk of getting a serious infectious disease. Finally, drug use often exacerbates and triggers mental disorders, such as anxiety or depression.
To summarize, an intervention is the first step in the recovery process for many drug addicts. Poor functioning, obsessive behavior, safety problems, criminal activities, and health problems are all warning signs that intervention is necessary. An intervention in conjunction with immediate inpatient treatment is one of the best ways to ensure your loved one recovers from their drug addiction.
How Does an Intervention Help?
According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the goal of an intervention is to encourage the addicted individual that you care about to seek or accept help. This is done by pointing out things they may not be aware of, such as:
- How their addiction affects you and others that care about them.
- What treatment options are available and how they work.
- The damage that their addiction is doing to them on the outside and on the inside.
- Showing that you support them and care.
Pointing all of these things out can help your loved one seek the treatment they need to beat their addiction forever.
How Important is an Intervention?
If conducted properly, an intervention can be an essential tool to start an addict that you care about down the road to recovery. It is important to remember that an intervention will not end addiction by itself.
The only professional treatment has been proven to end substance abuse and reduce the risk of relapse. However, the addicted individual must enter into treatment and a professional interventionist in Atlanta can help you to stage an intervention to make that happen.