Man Illegally Operating Drug Rehab Centers in 3 States

Man illegally operating drug rehab centersMan Illegally Operating Drug Rehab Centers Turns Himself In


You get your loved one into rehab and believe there is hope. Not when there is a man illegally operating drug rehab centers. Clayton Alfred White, 42, turned himself in for just that crime. White was running a facility called Oceanside Recovery for Men, in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The scary thought is that this was not an isolated incident. He ran centers in parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. White, the con-artist he was, tricked the landlady into believing he was a qualified counselor with proper training and certifications. The worst part about this case is that he also tricked the families of the addicts he convinced to enroll into his program.

Families of addicts, for the most part, will do anything to get their loved one back. They are literally at the end of their rope, desperately seeking help and guidance. Imagine their relief when they finally get their loved one to enter rehab and feel everything is falling into place. They can finally take that long awaited deep breath and let the rehab center take control of the situation. Sadly, this is not what took place for the individuals that gave their money to White.

One father paid over $7,000 for his son to enter White’s program. Of that $7,000 rarely any of it was used for his son. The breakdown of the bill was $5,010 for an admissions fee, 3 weeks rent at $495, an OCD workbook for $78, excess funds for food $300, rent for an additional 2 weeks was $300, funds for food for another 2 weeks was $400, and the cost for a motel was $500. Why is there a motel cost and a rent cost? The patient relapsed and was kicked off the property, incurring the $500 motel fee. The shocking part about this is that White charged $700 for food and the patient, once kicked off the property, received one meal a day. What was that meal? A McDonald’s happy meal was provided in the morning and that was it for the day. I’m sure throwing an addict into a motel room, by himself; with one meal fit for a child is a great way to begin a recovery process.

This man illegally operating drug rehab centers is now placed behind bars, where he belongs. Several families are pursuing legal actions.

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