Life Intervention
When someone you love becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, it turns your world upside down. Your love for them will cause you to look the other way and deny that they have a problem, which enables them to sink deeper into addiction with each passing day.
The time finally comes when you can no longer pretend that drugs or alcohol are not in control of your loved one and you realize that your family has become a casualty of your battle to deny and deceive yourself. Where do you turn for the help your family needs to confront the problem head-on with a life intervention?
How Intervention Services Can Help
Our job at Intervention Services is to help the family of the addict intervene in his path toward destruction and guide him in seeing the need to seek help with many different types of interventions. He has to come to the realization that the addiction has control of his life.
Every person has differing issues that contribute to their addiction, and therefore each situation is handled on an individual basis. An intervention specialist will guide the whole family through the process of:
- Making necessary changes in the family dynamics
- Healing old wounds
- Educating each member as to their role in recovery
- Empowering everyone to fight the battle ahead
A life intervention can take as long as two or three days and is very structured and comprehensive.
The Different Models of A Life Intervention
At Intervention Services, we use a number of different models of life intervention. The one we use the most is the S.M.A.R.T. model. It was developed by our founder, David Lee, and has proved to be an extremely valuable tool in accomplishing successful interventions.
We have a ninety percent success rate for being able to change the direction of lives that are out of control because of addiction and point them toward the treatment facility best suited to their needs.
The Family Systemic Model of Intervention is also utilized by our intervention specialists, as is the Invitational Model of Intervention and the Johnson Model of Intervention.
There are hundreds of treatment facilities in the United States and Canada and the staff at Intervention Services is very knowledgeable about the approach taken by each one in order to treat addiction. This makes it possible for us to help each family in choosing the very best place for their loved one to work through their issues with addiction.
We Can Help You
Don’t struggle any longer with feelings of guilt and shame because addiction has a grip on someone you love. Take matters into your own hands and call Intervention Services today at 1 855-545-7336.
We will give you the help you need to empower your whole family to help end addiction and the dead-end street it invariably leads to. There is a whole world of possibilities out there to explore.
Need to learn more about the people behind Intervention Services? Check out our About page.
Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?
Get free advice here: 855-545-7336