Executive Intervention

Calling for HelpMany companies find themselves with an employee who, although excellent at work, may be experiencing some problems with drugs or alcohol and are now considering an executive Intervention.  These types of Interventions with executives held in a professional environment have a high probability for success.

Key employees are not immune to the problem of addiction and sometimes struggle with substandard performance as a result. Rather than fire a valuable employee, it makes more sense to solve the problem and encourage him to get the help he needs.

As a practical matter it is costly to replace an executive who has contributed to the company. An executive intervention solves the problem and is a kind and proven technique for intervening in an employee’s downward spiral to promote them on their path to recovery.

Bring Back that Employee You Interviewed & Hired

When dealing with an executive who may appear to be beyond the influence of his family, many companies find themselves in a precarious position trying to deal with a key employee who is struggling with addiction. In the workplace where executives are counted on for good judgement and analytical skills, addiction can have a profound impact on an executive’s ability to function.

While executive interventions have proven to have a high level of success, it is not without careful planning and a calculated approach to possible business implications. There are public relations considerations as well as legal and disclosure issues to be managed.

Guided By An Objective, Outside Professional

The goal of an executive intervention is to get the substance abuser to enter into treatment. Intervention participants are invited to attend so they can express their concern for the person struggling and show their support.

Since executives are often in denial about the sensitive nature of the problem, it often requires the feedback of trusted colleagues about to convince an executive that the addiction is negatively impacting their work.

Intervention Planning for an Executive Intervention

The key to a successful executive intervention is planning. There are many details that must be determined to move forward.

  • A place must be decided on.
  • A professional interventionist needs to be hired first since they will guide the entire process.
  • A plan needs to be made for the future of the employee.

The experience that a professional brings to the table is necessary to give the executive intervention the best chance for success. While interventions are not always successful, they have a high probability for success.

An executive intervention differs somewhat from a family intervention because the problems discussed during the meeting are generally work-related issues. Since an executive’s livelihood is at risk, an intervention offers a win-win solution to a problem that can be personally and economically devastating.

To make the most of the intervention opportunity, it is best to be completely prepared for different scenarios that can occur during the meeting to keep the executive intervention on track and moving in a positive direction.

A Safe, Caring Way to Get Your Colleague Help

An executive intervention provides a proactive way to work through a personal problem that impacts many executives. Given the costs associated with losing a key player, company professionals recognize the logic of tackling an addiction problem as something that can be addressed and solved for the good of all concerned.

Also See: Faith-based Interventions!

Hiring the best intervention team with experience is an excellent first step on the road to personal recovery and continued corporate profitability.

Executive Interventionists Are Available

Intervention Services can guide, educate or be a resource to you, the one who is reaching out about an executive intervention.  Essentially, Intervention Services is on hand 24 hours a day to help you to help your employee who may be abusing drugs or alcohol.

Interventions have gotten a lot of attention in the media and are now recommended as one of the best strategies for helping an employee heal from their addiction.

If you have questions or need to speak with someone, understand that most of our staff are recovering professionals who can speak with you as someone who once abused drugs themselves.

Intervention Services USA has been providing executive interventions for over ten years.  Our Interventionists have a strong level of expertise.  Contact us today at 855-545-7336 to find out more about an executive intervention for your colleague.

Need more information on what makes Intervention Services work for the person you care about? See our About page.

executive intervention

Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

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Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

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