Ohio Community Considering Tough Policy for Repeat Overdose Calls to 911

The City of Middleton, Ohio, is feeling the effects of the opioid crisis like so many other municipalities in the US. Under a proposed plan by a City Council member, people who dial 911 for help for a person who is overdosing on opioids may be told that help is not on the way. Councilman

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Women More Likely to be Hospitalized for Opioids than Ever Before

More long term studies are being published on the effects of opioids in the United States. As researchers are able to obtain a broader scope of the damage, the data is revealing more about what could help combat the opioid crisis. For instance, a new report shows that women are being admitted into emergency rooms

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Number of People Seeking Marijuana Addiction Treatment Rising

Now that marijuana possession has been decriminalized in a number of US states, there are fewer instances where people are being sent to marijuana treatment programs by the legal system. Even though the number of instances of court-ordered treatment is dropping, survey results are showing that numbers are up for those seeking help voluntarily. Court-Mandated

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Rich Kids at Higher Risk for Addiction, According to New Study

The results of a new study have found that teens who come from an upper-middle class background are at higher risk for drug or alcohol addiction than the national average. The researchers found that in their mid-twenties, young adults from a well-to-do background were two-to-three times more likely to be diagnosed with an addiction. The

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Small Amounts of Alcohol Consumption Linked To Breast Cancer

In the past, scientists have found that alcohol consumption is linked to a variety of diseases, including throat, liver and esophageal cancer. And now a new report released by the American Institute for Cancer Research states that even small amounts of alcohol consumed regularly can increase the chances of developing breast cancer in women. In

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Study: Even Short-Term Opioid Use can Cause Dependency

At the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine’s annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, researchers presented a new study that warns against prescribing opioids for minor pain. The room full of doctors and medical professionals listened to Kit Delgado, an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania, explain how even small amounts

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Research Warns of Dangerous Opioid and Benzodiazepine Combinations

Despite the general understanding that combining opioids and benzodiazepines can be deadly, doctors throughout the country are still prescribing the two drugs together to patients, and addicts are still abusing them simultaneously as well. In fact, the trend seems to be rising, as more people are winding up in the emergency room or worse. In

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Underage Binge Drinking Still a Problem Despite Decline

Curbing underage drinking has been a massive and lengthy project for high schools, government agencies and parents throughout the country for decades. It seems like all that effort is starting to pay off, as reports indicate that teens drink less than they used to overall. However, binge drinking (consuming several drinks in one sitting) is

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High Mortality Rate for Opioid Use Indicates Gaps in Healthcare System

Researchers at UCLA School of Medicine recently compiled a study monitoring the mortality rate among more than 2,500 patients with opioid use disorder in a general healthcare setting, such as a primary care physician or hospital. What they found was that the patients were seemingly slipping through the system either undetected or inadequately treated. Nearly

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NJ Governor Renews Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has made a renewed appeal for prescription drug drop-off sites to be established across the state. These sites will be dumping stations where the public can safely dispose of unused prescription medications. Leftover Medications may be used in Pharm Parties This measure was put in place to combat the practice

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