The Pros and Cons of “Tricking” Someone into an Intervention

The Pros and Cons of “Tricking” Someone into an Intervention

Arranging an intervention for a loved one can be complicated. You may be worried about the individual’s reaction to the situation, but it is important to confront a loved one about his or her substance abuse. Although it can seem like a bad idea to trick a loved one into an intervention, it can also result in some positive benefits. Recognizing the pros and cons of an intervention can help determine if it is the appropriate way to confront a loved one and encourage treatment.

Potential Negative Reaction

The primary downside of tricking a loved one into an intervention is the possible negative reaction that may occur. The Huffington Post points out that the individual who is abusing drugs or alcohol should not be involved in the planning process before the intervention. He or she should not have prior knowledge of the situation because it may cause a loved one to avoid the confrontation.

Depending on the substance that is being abused and the duration of time that a loved one has used the substance, there is a possibility of a negative reaction. A loved one may feel uncomfortable with the confrontation or may react in a violent manner.

According to the Huffington Post, it is important to involve a professional in the intervention due to the possible reactions that may occur. A professional has the expertise and knowledge to determine potential reactions so that it is possible to prepare for the worst-case scenarios.

Encouraging Treatment

During an intervention, loved ones gather to encourage treatment and offer support throughout the treatment process. The Mayo Clinic states that the individual should not be aware of the reason for the meeting. That is why it may seem like you and your loved ones are tricking the individual who is using drugs or alcohol.

Even though it may seem like a negative situation, a key advantage of holding an intervention is encouraging a loved one to seek treatment in an appropriate treatment program. The individual will have the opportunity to learn about the options that are available and can strive for a better future.

In some cases, the individual can enter a treatment program shortly after the intervention is held. It is best to arrange options and have solutions available before holding the intervention so that a loved one can take immediate action after agreeing to treatment.

Stating the Consequences

Telling a loved one about the consequences for his or her continued abuse of drugs or alcohol can seem negative, but it is an important part of ensuring that he or she will enter a treatment program. Tricking a loved one into attending the intervention provides an opportunity to discuss your concerns and the concerns of the entire family. The Mayo Clinic explains that it allows the entire family to discuss and determine appropriate consequences if the behavior continues.

A positive aspect of the intervention is the clarification that occurs. Loved ones can clarify their feelings, concerns and goals as a group. They can also talk to a professional about appropriate consequences so that a loved one will consider a treatment program.

When you and your loved ones follow through with the consequences that you identify and discuss during the intervention, it can show the individual who is abusing a substance about the severity of his or her behavior. It can also act as a catalyst to help a loved one make the decision to seek treatment for his or her addiction. While it may seem like a downside initially, having clear consequences can provide positive results.

There are reasons that a loved one is not informed about the intervention before it occurs. You do not want a loved one to avoid the confrontation or run away; instead, you want to encourage a treatment program. It is possible for a loved one to recover, but sometimes it requires a little help from friends and family.


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