Charlotte Interventionist
Charlotte Drug and Alcohol Interventions
Seeking treatment for a substance use disorder is extremely important if you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction. Sadly, many addicts are resistant to the help that is offered to them. If someone you love needs treatment and is apprehensive or completely refusing to accept care, consider a Charlotte interventionist to help you stage a drug or alcohol intervention for your loved one.
Substance Abuse Statistics in Charlotte, NC
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, North Carolina’s percentage of illicit substance abuse among young adults was similar to the national percentage in the years of 2012 and 2013. In addition, the number of individuals in the state who sought treatment for a substance use disorder increased greatly from 32,766 in 2012 to 40,575 in 2013.
While the substance abuse problem in Charlotte is similar to that of the country as a whole, there are many options for recovery. The state itself has 14 government-operated treatment facilities that can help individuals begin to overcome their addictions and start to live healthier, happier lives (North Carolina Health and Human Services).
Unfortunately, all of these statistics mean very little IF your loved one is not willing to seek help. This is where a professional interventionist comes into play. They can help you:
- Plan and prepare for the intervention process.
- Stage a safe, non-confrontational environment for the intervention to take place.
- Ensure that the intervention remains focused on the end goal – getting your loved one to accept treatment.
- Provide follow-up care for both the addict and the friends or family involved in the intervention process.
How Do I Get My Loved One to Seek Treatment?
Some people struggle with the ability to realize when they truly need help recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse disorders are like any other illness and require professional treatment in most cases. If your loved one will not seek the help they need, you should consider staging an intervention where their friends and family members can talk to them about how their substance abuse is affecting everyone around them and how it is time to seek help.
Interventions in Charlotte begin with a call to a professional. Don’t try to stage this process on your own. If you’ve already attempted to get a loved one to seek help and he or she has refused, you likely need the help of a professional that can guide the way. They will help you with everything from the planning to the actual admittance into treatment. Don’t be afraid to seek help, ask questions, and do what’s best for you and your loved ones.
The subject of “intervention” is often touchy based largely on what we’ve seen in media. But not all interventions are confrontational in nature. Often times, a professional Charlotte drug and alcohol intervention specialist will be able to help you through this process with minimal confrontation. You may even be pleasantly surprised at how smoothly the process goes once you have a professional on your side to support you and your needs.

Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?
Get free advice here: 855-545-7336