Phoenix Interventionist

Phoenix Drug and Alcohol Interventions

An intervention is one of the best ways to get a friend or family member who is reluctant to accept help for addiction to admit that they need care and that treatment IS necessary. When a refusal to seek help has delayed the recovery process, Phoenix drug and alcohol interventions, when carefully planned and executed, can help you get your loved one the treatment he or she desperately needs.

What is an Intervention?

The National Library of Medicine defines an intervention as an action that is used to improve a situation, particularly a medical disorder, such as addiction. Family-based interventions are considered some of the most effective methods of getting an apprehensive or reluctant individual to seek treatment for substance abuse.

The intervention involves a gathering of friends, family and loved ones who are impacted by the drug or alcohol use of the addict. These individuals work closely with a Phoenix interventionist to define:

  • The scope of the addiction, and how it impacts the user and the family support system.
  • The role of each individual both in the continued use of drugs or alcohol by the user through facilitation and co-dependency and in the recovery of the user.
  • The role that each of the members of the “intervention team” will have in ensuring that the user seeks treatment.
  • The goals of the intervention and what steps will be taken to ensure the intervention is successful.

Having an Intervention for a Loved One

If you’ve tried to talk to your friend or family member about their drug or alcohol use without any positive results, it’s time to schedule an intervention. Interventions are often a last resort for people who want to get help for the person they love. The intervention should be rehearsed, since the actual event will likely be emotionally intense, so it’s important for all present parties to know exactly what they’re going to say.

Who Should Attend the Intervention?

First, schedule a meeting with all the people who will attend the intervention. It is best to have no more than 6 people present, including the professional drug counselor, so that the addict will not feel bombarded. Those present should include the addict’s parents and/or siblings, along with the best friend and significant other of the addict. Make sure that all the people attending the intervention can vouch for the fact that the addict has been engaging in dangerous or detrimental behavior as a result of using alcohol or drugs. Everyone should take notes about the addict’s actions to get a solid idea of what will be said at the intervention. It is also best to ask every friend
or family member at the intervention to keep the things that are discussed confidential. No children should be present.

It’s a wise idea to anticipate the various ways the addict will respond to the intervention. This will help to emotionally prepare everyone in case the addict reacts angrily or begins to cry. Everyone should discuss how they will answer the addict if he/she starts to deny the drug or alcohol addiction. It’s important to be gentle but matter-of-fact when speaking to the addict. This will show that everyone at the intervention is supportive of the addict and wants what’s best for him/her.

Designate a friend or family member who will be the spokesperson for the intervention. Be sure that the person knows how to speak gently but directly. Everyone should remember not to use phrases that start with “you” as these may seem like accusations and make the addict defensive.
Labeling the person the intervention is for as an addict or alcoholic will also make the person upset and may cause the intervention to want to leave the session.

Contacting an Interventionist

Next, it’s time to contact the interventionist who will participate in the intervention. Meeting with the professional ahead of time will let you know if his/her approach will work well when communicating with your friend or loved one. The intervention should be rehearsed again with the drug counselor. This gives those attending the intervention another chance to go over what they need to say while remaining calm and to once again anticipate what the addict will say in response to the intervention.

Make a Treatment Plan

Work with the drug counselor to make treatment arrangements for the addict before the intervention. You should know which facility your loved one is going to, how long they will stay, and when treatment will start. Your friend or a family member needs to know that you are completely serious about getting help for him/her. You should also arrange for the addict to have therapy sessions with the drug counselor who is at the intervention, as this will serve as a healthy way for the addict to discuss his/her feelings while going through the rehabilitation process.

If possible, the addict should go straight from the intervention into treatment. bring the individual’s clothes and toiletries to the intervention location, and explain that you are prepared to offer your loved one help right away. Keep in mind that you will likely be met with a lot of rude or hostile comments, and the addict may completely refuse treatment at first. Remember to stand your ground and continue to emphasize that you are only doing this for the addict’s own good. Explain that you want your loved one to live the best life possible, and becoming free of addiction is one of the best ways to accomplish this.

What Does the Interventionist Do?

The interventionist will use a series of tactics to help you and your loved ones work together to get the addict to accept treatment. Statistically, according to NIDA, patients are more likely to learn about their drug use and accept treatment from an objective third party that has formal medical training. This means that having a professional interventionist on your side can improve the chances that your loved one will accept treatment and seek the help that he or she needs. While each intervention can be different, the overall process of intervention is much the same. A Phoenix drug and alcohol intervention will generally go something like this:

  • The interventionist will gather information about the user, his or her substance abuse, and the family and friends of the user.
  • The information that is obtained will be used to determine whether the interventionist believes they have the ability to convince the abuser to seek help.
  • The interventionist will work with you to define a time and neutral location for the intervention to take place.
  • Family and friends are instructed on what their role will be in the intervention and recovery process.
  • Obligations and consequences are defined so that, in case the individual does NOT choose treatment, there is a plan in place for the family to stop facilitating the drug or alcohol use and start a healing process of their own.
  • The interventionist will work with family and friends to find a treatment facility that is ready and available to accept the new patient IF the user accepts treatment.
  • The interventionist will take the user to treatment, by car or by plane, escorting him or her until the admissions process is complete.

If you’re ready to get your loved one the help that he or she desperately needs, consider hiring a Phoenix interventionist today. Drug and alcohol interventions in Phoenix take place regularly, providing a pathway to recovery and healing both for the family and friends of the addict, as well as for the addict him or herself.

Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

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Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

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