Outline of the Drug or Alcohol Intervention Day

Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst

Each intervention is a unique scenario and the interventionist will help to guide you in determining the proper route.   However, the proceeding should provide a rough outline of the drug or alcohol intervention day and what to expect. We believe in a “hope for the best, but plan for the worst” mentality. An intervention is a one-shot deal, and every base should be covered in entirety in order to bring an addict to sobriety.

Outline of the Intervention Day – Basic Intervention Sessions

Session One:

Initial introduction and handling of addict’s surprise or anger.

Objective:  To put the addict more at ease, receptive and ready to hear the remainder of the intervention.

Session Two:

The family letter reading is the foundation of the intervention, as well as the bulk of communication between the family and the addict.

Objective:  It draws the addict back into the family system and surrounds him with love, but also delivers a strong message.

Session Three:

The interventionist will begin to relate his story, probing for connection points or ruin patterns.

Objective:  To establish a connection between the interventionist and the addict to enable more effective communication.

Session Four:

Acknowledgment of problem by the addict, followed by an offering of a solution by the interventionist in the form of treatment.

Objective:  To slowly guide the addict into realizing the negative impacts of drugs or alcohol in his life, and getting him to be in a position where he will be more receptive to treatment.

Session Five:

Treatment rejection and objections handling.

Objective:  Making treatment more attractive and comfortable by handling each objection individually.

NOTE: If the addict has already experienced a large number of negative consequences as a result of his drinking/using then he will usually agree to treatment after delivery of Session Five.  Over 60% of addicts we have delivered interventions on end up seeking treatment at this point without ever having to move on to the final sessions.

Tough Love Sessions

The following sessions usually only occur where the addict is in extreme denial or has major enabling factors surrounding him that are very difficult to alter or change.  During these sessions, the intervention can become a very emotionally charged event.  Remain strong and understand that this is just a part of the process.

Session Six:

The Interventionist alternates between “good cop” and “bad cop” roles.

Objective:  Make the drug and alcohol use less comfortable by “reality factoring” (r-factor) and treatment more comfortable of an option.

Session Seven:

Gradient increase.  The interventionist begins to slowly drop hints about bottom lines.

Objective:  Allow the addict to begin to see the consequences of his choices.

Session Eight:

Delivery of bottom lines.

Objective:  Allowing the addict to understand how the family has set boundaries and refuses to be affected or contribute to the addiction any longer.

NOTE: The addict can agree to treatment during or between any of the above eight sessions.  In the event that this does occur, we do not continue on to the later sessions, but instead move on to the treatment handling listed below.

Treatment Handling

Once your loved one agrees to treatment, it is of the utmost importance that he goes to treatment as soon as possible.  Ideally a bag has already been packed and a bed has been reserved at the decided treatment facility.  Transport can be arranged with either the interventionist, the treatment center itself, or a family member.  It is usually not recommended, however, that an addict or alcoholic be transported to treatment along with his “primary enabler”.  In the event that this is necessary, consider having the interventionist or another family member attend as well.

See more about 12-step treatment facilities!

Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

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Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

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