Intervention Models

Essentially, Drug and Alcohol Interventions have occurred, in some form, for thousands of years. As long as there has been someone who is abusing drugs or alcohol, there has also been someone who cared enough about them to tried to intervene. Understanding the different models of interventions and how they have evolved throughout history can help shed light on why the current models exist in the form they do.

Modern Models of Intervention

  • In the 1960s, a recovering alcoholic priest by the name of Vernon Johnson began to hold interventions, based upon “creating” the negative consequences usually required for an alcoholic to reach their bottom. Vernon Johnson is often cited as the father of modern interventions and his method is now referred to as the Model of Interventions. This type of intervention focuses primarily on changing the addict through immediate consequences.

Since the Johnson Model of Interventions was successful in getting a client to treatment, but often failed to handle the sickness within the family, in the last several decades several family-based intervention styles have come into play. The most common include:

  • Family Systemic Interventions: Focusing on changing an unhealthy family system.
  • : A gentle approach involving “inviting” the addict into the intervention
  • S.M.A.R.T. Model Interventions: A Family Systemic approach that focuses on Cognitive Behavioral viewpoint in changing a family system, and systemic enabling. This model was developed by Intervention Services founder, David Lee.

There are a few as well.

Interventions originally were performed by individuals who felt compelled to make a difference in someone’s life who was destroying it with drugs and alcohol. Sometimes this influence can be brief, whereas other times it is long lasting.

Modern Intervention Models have shifted their focus from simply getting someone’s agreement into treatment, into getting someone into long-term recovery and abstinence. This approach takes skills and training and much more than the ability to momentarily inspire.

Intervention Services prides itself in helping family’s to achieve long-term success with their loved ones for over 10 years.

Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

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