Self-Harm Intervention

Self-Harm InterventionA Self-Harm Intervention is an intensive form of intervention where the
family and friends of a self-harmer get together with an interventionist
and stage an intervention for their , in which they will all let their loved one know that they are very concerned for him/her and urge the person who is the subject of the intervention to go forth with treatment.

Self-Harming Behaviors

Typically, a person who has self-harm issues will be depressed, anxious, withdrawn, uninterested in activities they may have been interested in prior to the self harming behavior, and they may do poorly
at work or at school.

What is Self-Harming?

Self harm is a form of mutilation in which the person will purposefully inflict cuts, burns, bruising or overdoses upon themselves. Self-harming behavior is nearly always connected to an underlying problem; anxiety disorders, depression, or an unspecified mood disorder. In some cases, the self-harmer may have been through a traumatic situation at some point in their lives that has left them with some emotional damage. People who self-harm usually cover their bodies where they have self-inflicted wounds. The most common areas for self-harmers to cut are the wrists, forearms, hips, stomach, and thighs. The wounds the person inflicts may be anywhere from minor cuts and bruises to serious and life-threatening mutilation that requires immediate medical attention.

Some signs that your loved one may be self-harming are: extreme changes in mood, withdrawn and antisocial behavior, symptoms of depression, he/she is always wearing long sleeves/long pants, even in
hot weather, he/she has unexplainable cuts/bruises on various areas of the body, he/she has many sharp objects in his/her room, he/she spends a lot of time alone, or he/she is doing poorly in school or at work.
These signs may not mean that your loved one is self harming, but if you notice these signs in someone, it may be time to have a serious talk.

Self-Harm Interventions are geared towards helping the person come to the realization that they do have a problem and that they need treatment. Self-Harm Interventions include personal letters read aloud to the person by loved ones, an explanation of what their treatment will consist of, and a plan. Even though not everyone will benefit from these interventions, many people come out of treatment with a better outlook on life and have their self harming behavior under control and in check. Do not hesitate to seek an interventionist.

if you believe that a family member or friend has an issue with self-harm that is putting them at risk for infections, permanent mutilation, or even death. Treatment is the best answer. An intervention just may save lives.

Also see: Crisis intervention service!

Professional interventionist facilitating a recovery session for drug and alcohol interventions.

Not sure what to do?
Wondering if an intervention is the right move?

Get free advice here: 855-545-7336

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