Former Arizona pharmacist opens up about addiction, theft

Just like anyone else, medical professionals can suffer from addiction issues. If they are dependent on prescription painkillers, this problem can become even worse because these drugs are easily accessible to people who work in hospitals or pharmacies. In an interview with Phoenix, Arizona, CBS affiliate KPHO, a former pharmacist candidly talked about his addiction issues, and how they ultimately ended his 20 year career.

“I became addicted to pain pills,” said the pharmacist, who asked the news outlet not to reveal his name. “I had gone for some dental work and the doctor prescribed some pain medications.”

Pain relief quickly became full-blown addiction, as the pharmacist began taking 25 pills at a time and more than 100 in a day. After being arrested for stealing, he entered a treatment program, and upon completing it, he decided that he could no longer stay in his profession.

According to the Society of Critical Care, prescription drug abuse among health care professionals is a growing problem in Arizona. In 2012, a pharmacy tech was fired from the Arizona Heart Hospital was fired for stealing drugs and syringes. A few months later, a nurse from a Phoenix hospital was accused of stealing morphine and other controlled substances.

If someone you love is addicted to prescription painkillers, now is the time to seek help. Contact Intervention Services today to learn how an experienced interventionist can help your family member or friend enter an effective treatment program.

Having an interventionist in Arizona can be the first step

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