Centers for Disease Control answers prescription pill abuse questions

As we've discussed previously on this blog, prescription drug abuse – including the unnecessary consumption of pain killers or attention-heightening narcotics – is one of the most prevalent addiction-related problems in the United States today. Taking medication illicitly can pose dangerous health problems to certain individuals, and the high that can be obtained from swallowing, snorting or huffing pills often leads to more harmful behavior.

In a bid to educate the American community about this vital issue, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released a questionnaire that shines some light on the problem. The report was published by PBS NewsHour and covers a wide range of topics.

One of the preeminent concerns regarding pill abuse is the fact that while most states regulate the administering of these treatments, doctors are given a lot of leeway when they write our prescriptions for their patients. The CDC urged state governments to tighten these restrictions to keep medications out of the wrong hands.

The organization also suggested that, based on prior research, many addicts are able to obtain these pills through family members or friends. This is especially prevalent among those who have loved ones with pain-related medical conditions who are prescribed relatively large doses of medicine.

"The more often people use such drugs non-medically, the more likely they are to turn to other sources such as drug dealers. We also know that a large number of people who die of prescription painkiller overdoses obtain their drugs without a prescription," the CDC wrote in the questionnaire.

If you know someone who is currently or is at risk of abusing medicinal pills, it's vital that you get them the help they need. One way is to stage a drug addiction intervention orchestrated by Intervention Services. By doing so, you can remind them that they should retake control of their lives. 

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