April 27 is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

As we’ve reviewed in past posts, prescription pill misuse is one of the fastest-growing forms of of substance abuse in the United States, and is rapidly expanding around the world as well. This trend has been attributed, in part, to the increased accessibility of prescription pills.

Some people – particularly teenagers – develop this habit after rifling through the family medicine cabinet for easy-to-get pills. In order to address this entryway, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has coordinated its sixth National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 27. At this time, citizens are encouraged to visit a participating collection site so they can get rid of unused and expired medications that have been sitting idly on their bedside tables or tucked away in junk drawers.

This measure, according to a DEA press release, “aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposal, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of these medications.”

At the last event, which took place last October, the DEA collected 244 tons of prescription pills. In total, more than 1,000 tons – or 2 million pounds – of these drugs have been collected since the initiative began two years ago.

The DEA cited the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health from 2011, which revealed that the majority of people who abuse prescription drugs get the medication from family members and friends.

If someone you love has developed an addiction to prescription pills, it’s easy to feel powerless. But, there are proactive steps you can take to address their drug habit. Contact a professional interventionist at Intervention Services today to find out how you can tackle this issue directly.

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