NY Detox
When drugs and alcohol are coming between you and a successful and fulfilled life it is time to have an evaluation to determine if you are addicted and to help you get in control of that addiction or multiple addictions. If you live in the area, then NY detox services can readily be found. You may get a referral from a doctor or law enforcement agency. You will find support and encouragement from churches and social agencies in the area. Following are some of the things that may happen when you contact a provider of NY Detox services, so you will know what to expect.
One of the first steps should be an evaluation of your dependence or addiction. It may involve a questionnaire or even some medical testing to determine your needs in the way of an intervention. Other things that may be discussed will be what your triggers are, and what type of
dependency you have. If the treatment is voluntary for the person needing help it will be easier to support them in this choice. Honesty with treatment specialists is important.
Besides having an evaluation of the drug or alcohol addiction, the person who is seeking a NY detox will need help in accessing insurance and financing options. The expense may seem high, but intervention and treatment may be the key to surviving and living a longer and happier life. It is a priceless opportunity to get clean and to stay clean and it is worth some financial planning to escape addiction.
Options in NY for detox can include both inpatient and outpatientservices. The recovering addict may need intense daily residentialtreatment or may be fine with an accountability situation that includesgroup and individual counseling. So the patient may live in thetreatment facility or may only visit it on a scheduled basis forsessions. The true focus is to find a system with which the patient canbe compliant and successful in restoring his life.
When looking for a good opportunity to straighten up your life, you will be seeking a detox program that provides support in all areas. You need financial solutions, medical support, social support, and professional or clinical services to successfully come through the experience.
Remember that a reputable intervention company will provide anaddiction assessment, financial guidance and suitable therapies for theaddiction or addictions. There will be social supports and
accountability for personal actions. A detox is an appropriate way foran addicted person to start to make changes that will last a lifetime but is only a first step on the road to recovery.
When weighing the benefits versus the cost of a detox and treatmentplan it is important to remember that there is no price that can beplaced on being healthy in both body and mind. When the time is right,recovery can begin with a NY detox, and we’re only a phone call away.
The word “detox” is often used as a shortened term to refer to the detoxification process that the body goes through as the first step in drug or alcohol recovery treatment. When drugs or alcohol are no longer taken into the body, detoxification occurs as the body tries to rid itself of any remaining substances or toxins related to substance use. This causes the body to develop withdrawal symptoms. When no longer taking certain substances, withdrawal symptoms can be painful and even dangerous.
The Detox Process
Detoxification can occur with or without help from a treatmentfacility or hospital assistance. However, when performed in a substanceabuse treatment setting, there are typically three stages of thedetoxification process. These steps include:
- Assessment or evaluation
- Stabilization and overcoming withdrawal symptoms
- Preparing for treatment
Assessment or Evaluation for Detox
The detoxification process actually begins when drugs or alcohol areno longer being used. For those who enter into a hospital setting ortreatment facility, the first step in this process will be an assessmentor evaluation. An intake worker or other qualified professional willask questions pertaining to drug and alcohol use. Blood work and urinetesting may also occur to verify the type and amount of substances thatare currently in the system. This will help workers understand what toexpect through withdrawal symptoms and help decide on which treatmentmethods will work best.
Overcoming Withdrawal and the Stabilization for Detox
When no longer using alcohol or drugs, most former users will develop some form of withdrawal symptoms as a part of the detoxification process that the body goes through. Withdrawal symptoms occur because the body has become accustomed to the presence of certain substances. When these substances are no longer present, the body reacts to this loss due to physical addiction. In severe cases, or for those who have quit using specific substances, medications are available to help with the withdrawal process. For those withdrawing from severe alcohol use, heroin use, or heavy narcotic use, it is best to receive some type of
medical detoxification rather than handle the withdrawal process alone. Withdrawal in these cases can become dangerous, often leading to changes in blood pressure, severe gastrointestinal symptoms, seizures, coma, and even death. Anyone going through withdrawal who develops extreme discomfort in withdrawal symptoms should also seek medical attention to help reduce the risk of returning to drug or alcohol use.
Preparing for Treatment as a Part of Detox
For those who seek withdrawal and detoxification assistance from a substance abuse recovery treatment facility, workers will wish to obtain an agreement for entering substance abuse treatment immediately after detoxification is completed. Many times this will involve the use of a
contract that will be signed prior to trying to leave the facility. Obtaining substance abuse treatment after completing the detoxification process is necessary to help overcome any psychological aspects of substance addiction, as detoxification and withdrawal only cover the
physical aspect of addiction and recovery.
Specific Types of Detox and Treatment
The detoxification process can occur in several different ways for the individual. Many times, the detoxification process chosen will be based on an individual’s ability to handle the withdrawal process, the type of substance being stopped, and the financial situation of the individual overcoming substance abuse. There are four basic types of detox:
- Medical detox
- Home detox
- Outpatient detox
- Rapid detox
Medical Detox
Medical detox occurs when the detoxification process and withdrawal takes place under medical supervision. This may be with or without the use of special medications designed to reduce the effects of withdrawal symptoms. This type of detox typically takes place in a hospital or treatment facility setting. There are advantages to receiving medical detox over doing so alone. These advantages include:
- Higher success rate
- Reduced risk of health risks
- Less pain and suffering from withdrawal symptoms
According to statistics provided by DrugDetox.org1, 95 percent of those who try to quit drugs or alcohol without assistance are unsuccessful and return to using drugs or alcohol. This is because
symptoms can become so agonizing and debilitating that the person gives in and uses drugs or alcohol again just to avoid the trauma that withdrawal and detoxification place on the body.
Home Detox is Dangerous
For those who are not overcoming a severe alcohol dependency, which can be life-threatening, or certain opiates, which involves agonizing withdrawals, home detox might be a suitable option. Self-treatment with no medical assistance is typically unsuccessful when going through the
detoxification process. That is because withdrawal symptoms can be so severe that a person would rather go back to drug use than endure another minute of torture from withdrawal symptoms. For those who still wish to go through the detoxification process at home, it is important that they stay with a friend or family member, or have someone stay at their home with them, through the entire process. This way, someone is there to call for medical assistance in an emergency and is also available to be supportive through the agonizing aspects of withdrawal to encourage and offer some type of relief.
Outpatient Detox
Outpatient detox occurs when medical supervision is obtained to help go through the detoxification and withdrawal process, but the individual chooses to remain at home through the process. A person may also choose to stay in a hotel near the physician’s office for convenience and ease of access. This can be as ineffective and dangerous as home detox, as it is often important to have qualified medical professionals available around the clock to be prepared for any emergencies. As with home detox, it is important to have a friend or family member nearby at all times for support and assistance. Many physicians are not willing to give withdrawal medications on an outpatient basis, however, some methadone clinics will help when patients are overcoming certain substances.
Rapid Detox
Rapid detox is an expensive and controversial method of detoxification. It involves giving a patient a massive dose of medications to force the detoxification process while the person is
under anesthesia. This causes a shock to the body. There is the risk of the drugs used, the shock to the body, and the general anesthesia used. Upon awakening, the person still must deal with feeling extremely ill and having no energy for many days.
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